Result : EXP03135
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name EXP03135
NCBI Accession ID
Organism Clostridium
Source of smORF Metagenomic Ribo-seq
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl00202. Profile Description: N/A. Rubredoxin; nonheme iron binding domains containing a [Fe(SCys)4] center. Rubredoxins are small nonheme iron proteins. The iron atom is coordinated by four cysteine residues (Fe(S-Cys)4), but iron can also be replaced by cobalt, nickel or zinc. They are believed to be involved in electron transfer.
Pubmed ID 32601270
Domain CDD:412217
Functional Category Conserved domain based functional assignment
Uniprot ID
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 39
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 30
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1582384 1582491 - NC_013939.1 Deferribacter desulfuricans SSM1
2 4861527 4861664 + NZ_AP021874.1 Desulfosarcina alkanivorans
3 2005561 2005659 - NC_009464.1 Methanocella arvoryzae MRE50
4 555383 555493 - NC_015578.1 Treponema primitia ZAS-2
5 697868 697969 - NC_012108.1 Desulfobacterium autotrophicum HRM2
6 3612080 3612190 + NC_002939.5 Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA
7 3012671 3012775 + NZ_CP009520.1 Methanosarcina vacuolata Z-761
8 752079 752183 - NZ_CP009530.1 Methanosarcina barkeri 227
9 3647255 3647365 + NC_007517.1 Geobacter metallireducens GS-15
10 2875926 2876036 + NC_013665.1 Methanocella paludicola SANAE
11 1782060 1782170 - NC_015672.1 Flexistipes sinusarabici DSM 4947
12 2196488 2196592 + NZ_CP017768.1 Methanobacterium subterraneum
13 3272872 3272985 + NZ_CP009788.1 Geobacter pickeringii
14 986376 986480 - NC_008553.1 Methanothrix thermoacetophila PT
15 1070990 1071094 + NZ_AP019779.1 Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus
16 493257 493364 - NZ_AP019779.1 Methanobrevibacter arboriphilus
17 808734 808859 - NC_009712.1 Methanoregula boonei 6A8
18 194032 194136 + NZ_LN734822.1 Methanobacterium formicicum
19 3973968 3974072 - NC_003901.1 Methanosarcina mazei Go1
20 2371977 2372087 - NC_015520.1 Mahella australiensis 50-1 BON
21 2672194 2672304 - NZ_CP017253.2 Clostridium taeniosporum
22 197428 197538 + NC_015574.1 Methanobacterium paludis
23 111583 111714 + NZ_CP048649.1 Aminipila butyrica
24 357517 357633 + NZ_CP018258.1 Dehalogenimonas formicexedens
25 132633 132749 + NZ_AP019309.1 Intestinibaculum porci
26 1419388 1419507 - NC_022567.1 Adlercreutzia equolifaciens DSM 19450
27 1427986 1428123 - NC_013203.1 Lancefieldella parvulum DSM 20469
28 1170484 1170594 - NC_015318.1 Hippea maritima DSM 10411
29 1354942 1355058 + NC_013204.1 Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243
30 522448 522585 + NZ_LT996885.1 Dialister massiliensis
31 327354 327452 + NC_017034.1 Methanocella conradii HZ254
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