Result : B8DNP8
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatA
NCBI Accession ID CP001197.1
Organism Desulfovibrio vulgaris (strain Miyazaki F / DSM 19637)
Left 160936
Right 161139
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Part of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) system that transports large folded proteins containing a characteristic twin-arginine motif in their signal peptide across membranes. TatA could form the protein-conducting channel of the Tat system. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00236}.
Pubmed ID
Domain CDD:294511
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID B8DNP8
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 67
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 32
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 457652 457849 + NC_020127.1 Lawsonia intracellularis N343
2 1003550 1003759 - NZ_CP014229.1 Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis
3 1923600 1923839 + NC_013223.1 Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692
4 3305663 3305869 - NC_016629.1 Desulfocurvibacter africanus subsp. africanus str. Walvis Bay
5 2389638 2389835 - NZ_CP026538.1 Desulfovibrio carbinolicus
6 2448482 2448679 - NC_012796.1 Desulfovibrio magneticus RS-1
7 1874298 1874522 + NC_015672.1 Flexistipes sinusarabici DSM 4947
8 2510791 2511018 - NZ_CP010311.1 Geoalkalibacter subterraneus
9 487580 487771 - NZ_CP045504.1 Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans DSM 3696
10 469974 470171 - NC_013173.1 Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028
11 2601781 2601969 + NC_013173.1 Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028
12 1814043 1814234 - NZ_CP045508.1 Desulfolutivibrio sulfoxidireducens
13 2217883 2218071 + NC_007519.1 Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
14 2428228 2428422 + NZ_CP014230.1 Desulfomicrobium orale DSM 12838
15 575036 575209 - NZ_CP039543.1 Desulfovibrio marinus
16 2639801 2639986 + NC_012881.1 Maridesulfovibrio salexigens DSM 2638
17 3186802 3186966 + NZ_CP046400.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio cashew
18 346156 346326 - NC_016803.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii
19 1637790 1637996 - NZ_AP022873.1 Dissulfurispira thermophila
20 45013 45243 + NZ_CP045505.1 Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans DSM 3696
21 1349897 1350088 - NC_011979.1 Geobacter daltonii FRC-32
22 399304 399504 - NC_014758.1 Calditerrivibrio nitroreducens DSM 19672
23 3388129 3388314 + NC_010814.1 Geobacter lovleyi SZ
24 1807846 1808016 + NC_010814.1 Geobacter lovleyi SZ
25 3617404 3617589 - NC_007517.1 Geobacter metallireducens GS-15
26 1183845 1184027 + NC_007517.1 Geobacter metallireducens GS-15
27 179254 179445 - NC_011146.1 Citrifermentans bemidjiense Bem
28 3517665 3517862 + NC_011146.1 Citrifermentans bemidjiense Bem
29 3496469 3496660 + NC_002939.5 Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA
30 1027655 1027837 + NZ_CP009788.1 Geobacter pickeringii
31 3242794 3242985 - NZ_CP009788.1 Geobacter pickeringii
32 349797 349988 - NC_009483.1 Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4
33 1778911 1779093 + NZ_CP054140.1 Desulfobulbus oligotrophicus
34 169979 170170 - NZ_AP023213.1 Citrifermentans bremense
35 1338234 1338431 - NZ_AP023213.1 Citrifermentans bremense
36 984951 985166 + NC_013939.1 Deferribacter desulfuricans SSM1
37 1580974 1581198 + NZ_CP045875.1 Heliorestis convoluta
38 590662 590856 - NZ_CP017305.1 Chlorobaculum limnaeum
39 1639187 1639381 - NZ_CP021255.1 Desulfobulbus oralis
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