Result : B4RU89
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name YcgL domain-containing protein MADE_1012200
NCBI Accession ID CP001103.3
Organism Alteromonas mediterranea (strain DSM 17117 / CIP 110805 / LMG 28347 / Deep ecotype)
Left 2779405
Right 2779701
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl22628. Profile Description: YcgL domain. This family of proteins formerly called DUF709 includes the E. coli gene ycgL. homologs of YcgL are found in gammaproteobacteria. The structure of this protein shows a novel alpha/beta/alpha sandwich structure.
Pubmed ID 18670397
Domain CDD:419850
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID B4RU89
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 98
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 81
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 2693694 2693990 - NZ_CP046670.1 Alteromonas mediterranea
2 1101945 1102241 + NC_015554.1 Alteromonas naphthalenivorans
3 2692582 2692875 - NZ_CP008849.1 Alteromonas australica
4 2994206 2994502 - NZ_CP014322.1 Alteromonas addita
5 2804037 2804336 - NZ_CP031769.1 Salinimonas sediminis
6 1554620 1554919 + NZ_CP036536.1 Salinimonas lutimaris
7 3697505 3697798 + NZ_CP052766.1 Alteromonas pelagimontana
8 1862497 1862775 - NZ_CP020373.1 Shewanella khirikhana
9 2462323 2462619 - NC_016041.1 Glaciecola nitratireducens FR1064
10 2357226 2357504 - NC_008700.1 Shewanella amazonensis SB2B
11 2279841 2280119 - NZ_CP069213.1 Shewanella litorisediminis
12 2070481 2070759 + NZ_CP022358.1 Shewanella bicestrii
13 880604 880882 - NZ_CP009889.1 Pseudoalteromonas piratica
14 1923025 1923306 + NC_014541.1 Ferrimonas balearica DSM 9799
15 4453144 4453467 + NZ_CP036200.1 Shewanella maritima
16 2729075 2729353 + NZ_CP037952.1 Parashewanella spongiae
17 784421 784699 + NZ_CP011040.1 Pseudoalteromonas spongiae UST010723-006
18 745280 745558 + NZ_CP044060.1 Aeromonas veronii
19 2272076 2272354 + NC_016901.1 Shewanella baltica OS678
20 914424 914702 + NZ_CP065745.1 Aeromonas allosaccharophila
21 2543261 2543542 - NC_009092.1 Shewanella loihica PV-4
22 2194045 2194326 + NC_010334.1 Shewanella halifaxensis HAW-EB4
23 1615220 1615510 - NZ_CP051180.1 Ferrimonas lipolytica
24 2389418 2389699 - NZ_AP014635.1 Vibrio tritonius
25 1902782 1903063 + NZ_CP022272.1 Shewanella marisflavi
26 3029194 3029472 - NZ_CP034015.1 Shewanella livingstonensis
27 1950485 1950763 + NZ_CP041036.1 Shewanella polaris
28 2453458 2453739 - NZ_CP017689.1 Thalassotalea crassostreae
29 1893714 1894001 + NC_007954.1 Shewanella denitrificans OS217
30 2590237 2590518 + NC_010506.1 Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908
31 1033321 1033599 - NZ_CP041783.1 Shewanella donghaensis
32 2714234 2714512 - NZ_CP020472.1 Shewanella japonica
33 2045207 2045485 + NC_008345.1 Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400
34 1265395 1265670 - NZ_LR134167.1 Avibacterium volantium
35 2465577 2465867 - NZ_CP072844.1 Psychrosphaera aestuarii
36 1962364 1962642 + NZ_CP037951.1 Parashewanella tropica
37 2390125 2390406 + NC_011566.1 Shewanella piezotolerans WP3
38 984560 984841 + NZ_CP013188.1 Pseudoalteromonas phenolica
39 2987344 2987625 - NC_009901.1 Shewanella pealeana ATCC 700345
40 1416112 1416393 - NZ_CP014782.1 Shewanella psychrophila
41 1042132 1042413 + NZ_CP044069.1 Vibrio vulnificus
42 3063206 3063487 - NC_009831.1 Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3
43 2829129 2829410 - NC_014012.1 Shewanella violacea DSS12
44 1966017 1966295 - NZ_AP014524.1 Vibrio cholerae MS6
45 2288391 2288678 + NZ_CP046378.1 Shewanella algae
46 2747621 2747902 - NC_013456.1 Vibrio antiquarius
47 1003011 1003301 + NZ_CP071325.1 Photobacterium ganghwense
48 661767 662048 + NZ_CP011031.1 Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii
49 662047 662328 + NZ_CP011042.1 Pseudoalteromonas tetraodonis
50 2283211 2283489 + NZ_AP022188.1 Aeromonas media
51 1766184 1766474 - NZ_CP033078.1 Vibrio zhugei
52 1822543 1822815 - NZ_AP018685.1 Vibrio rumoiensis
53 2354712 2354996 - NZ_CP031781.1 Vibrio parahaemolyticus
54 2616501 2616782 - NZ_CP050851.1 Aeromonas hydrophila
55 585485 585766 + NZ_CP072135.1 Pseudoalteromonas xiamenensis
56 1073754 1074035 + NZ_CP045350.1 Vibrio aquimaris
57 2011123 2011407 - NZ_CP009977.1 Vibrio natriegens NBRC 15636 = ATCC 14048 = DSM 759
58 1636899 1637177 - NZ_CP035688.1 Vibrio metoecus
59 908428 908718 + NC_011753.2 Vibrio atlanticus
60 870254 870535 + NZ_CP030788.1 Vibrio campbellii
61 1114118 1114399 + NZ_CP009467.1 Vibrio harveyi
62 2309690 2309977 - NZ_CP009354.1 Vibrio tubiashii ATCC 19109
63 915447 915728 - NZ_CP019959.1 Vibrio owensii
64 2210904 2211188 - NZ_CP018312.1 Vibrio rotiferianus
65 2167050 2167325 - NZ_LT960611.1 Vibrio tapetis subsp. tapetis
66 1323665 1323946 - NZ_CP025792.1 Vibrio jasicida 090810c
67 923500 923790 + NZ_CP006954.1 Bibersteinia trehalosi USDA-ARS-USMARC-188
68 1950178 1950459 - NZ_AP019657.1 Vibrio ponticus
69 573526 573807 + NC_007482.1 Pseudoalteromonas translucida
70 616823 617104 + NZ_CP011037.1 Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens
71 1851508 1851789 + NZ_LR134531.1 Pragia fontium
72 3025733 3026005 - NZ_CP048784.1 Serratia liquefaciens
73 67331 67618 - NZ_CP027524.1 Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora
74 1945146 1945421 - NZ_CP047475.1 Vibrio astriarenae
75 1230371 1230661 + NZ_LR134510.1 Actinobacillus delphinicola
76 1366498 1366773 + NZ_CP031416.1 Gallaecimonas mangrovi
77 1341711 1341992 + NZ_CP046268.1 Vibrio spartinae
78 392499 392780 - NZ_CP072426.1 Pseudoalteromonas viridis
79 2427603 2427881 - NZ_CP070624.1 Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae
80 1797677 1797958 - NZ_CP022741.1 Vibrio qinghaiensis
81 2472824 2473099 - NZ_CP031560.1 Dickeya dianthicola
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP020373.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF13406.8 0.91 74 28.0 same-strand Transglycosylase SLT domain
2 PF01612.22 0.78 63 2013 same-strand 3'-5' exonuclease
3 PF00570.25 0.79 64 2013.5 same-strand HRDC domain
4 PF00501.30 0.73 59 3192 same-strand AMP-binding enzyme
5 PF13193.8 0.73 59 3192 same-strand AMP-binding enzyme C-terminal domain
6 PF03775.18 0.84 68 137.0 opposite-strand Septum formation inhibitor MinC, C-terminal domain
7 PF05209.15 0.84 68 137.0 opposite-strand Septum formation inhibitor MinC, N-terminal domain
8 PF13614.8 0.84 68 849.5 opposite-strand AAA domain
9 PF01656.25 0.84 68 849.5 opposite-strand CobQ/CobB/MinD/ParA nucleotide binding domain
10 PF10609.11 0.74 60 850.0 opposite-strand NUBPL iron-transfer P-loop NTPase
11 PF03776.16 0.84 68 1663.5 opposite-strand Septum formation topological specificity factor MinE
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