Result : A0RQF4
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name ATP synthase subunit c (ATP synthase F(0) sector subunit c) (F-type ATPase subunit c) (F-ATPase subunit c) (Lipid-binding protein)
NCBI Accession ID CP000487.1
Organism Campylobacter fetus subsp. fetus (strain 82-40)
Left 1273104
Right 1273406
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function F(1)F(0) ATP synthase produces ATP from ADP in the presence of a proton or sodium gradient. F-type ATPases consist of two structural domains, F(1) containing the extramembraneous catalytic core and F(0) containing the membrane proton channel, linked together by a central stalk and a peripheral stalk. During catalysis, ATP synthesis in the catalytic domain of F(1) is coupled via a rotary mechanism of the central stalk subunits to proton translocation. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_01396}.; Key component of the F(0) channel; it plays a direct role in translocation across the membrane. A homomeric c-ring of between 10-14 subunits forms the central stalk rotor element with the F(1) delta and epsilon subunits. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_01396}.
Pubmed ID
Domain CDD:412393
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID A0RQF4
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 100
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 78
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1279910 1280212 + NZ_CP059443.1 Campylobacter fetus
2 1398646 1398948 + NZ_CP010995.1 Campylobacter iguaniorum
3 504128 504430 - NZ_CP053828.1 Campylobacter hyointestinalis subsp. lawsonii
4 1109519 1109821 - NZ_CP015578.1 Campylobacter lanienae NCTC 13004
5 726454 726756 - NZ_CP019684.1 Campylobacter sputorum bv. paraureolyticus LMG 11764
6 775194 775496 + NZ_CP017111.1 Sulfurospirillum halorespirans DSM 13726
7 746939 747241 + NZ_CP007201.1 Sulfurospirillum multivorans DSM 12446
8 852472 852771 + NC_005090.1 Wolinella succinogenes DSM 1740
9 1426001 1426345 + NZ_CP021886.1 Helicobacter apodemus
10 114157 114462 - NZ_CP063087.1 Helicobacter winghamensis
11 1263217 1263540 + NZ_CP053848.1 Campylobacter ornithocola
12 1220681 1221004 + NZ_CP053825.1 Campylobacter armoricus
13 1450760 1451083 + NZ_CP007773.1 Campylobacter subantarcticus LMG 24377
14 1157204 1157527 + NC_012039.1 Campylobacter lari RM2100
15 773790 774116 - NZ_CP022347.1 Campylobacter avium LMG 24591
16 490207 490509 - NZ_CP012541.1 Campylobacter concisus
17 1661304 1661618 - NZ_CP041406.1 Sulfurimonas paralvinellae
18 282649 282972 + NZ_CP063079.1 Campylobacter peloridis
19 1144020 1144343 + NZ_CP007774.1 Campylobacter volucris LMG 24379
20 618149 618451 + NC_018002.1 Sulfurospirillum barnesii SES-3
21 872516 872854 + NC_002163.1 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168 = ATCC 700819
22 559079 559381 - NZ_CP053826.1 Campylobacter curvus
23 1421798 1422115 - NZ_LN907858.1 Helicobacter typhlonius
24 571785 572096 - NC_004917.1 Helicobacter hepaticus ATCC 51449
25 588301 588603 + NC_013512.1 Sulfurospirillum deleyianum DSM 6946
26 1121141 1121401 + NZ_CP007770.1 Campylobacter insulaenigrae NCTC 12927
27 567498 567800 - NZ_CP053831.1 Campylobacter mucosalis
28 583777 584076 - NZ_CP012544.1 Campylobacter showae
29 522504 522803 - NZ_CP012543.1 Campylobacter rectus
30 338394 338732 + NZ_AP018676.1 Helicobacter cinaedi
31 1001259 1001591 - NZ_CP014991.1 Helicobacter himalayensis
32 443524 443823 - NZ_CP031611.1 Campylobacter hepaticus
33 277316 277627 + NC_014810.2 Helicobacter felis ATCC 49179
34 480841 481185 + NZ_CP053842.1 Campylobacter corcagiensis
35 431999 432313 + NC_007575.1 Sulfurimonas denitrificans DSM 1251
36 1763537 1763851 - NC_014506.1 Sulfurimonas autotrophica DSM 16294
37 1383259 1383576 - NC_008229.1 Helicobacter acinonychis str. Sheeba
38 893023 893328 - NZ_CP027432.2 Caminibacter pacificus
39 1801558 1801872 + NZ_CP054051.1 Aliarcobacter cibarius
40 2105362 2105676 + NZ_CP032097.1 Arcobacter ellisii
41 2342861 2343175 + NZ_CP053835.1 Arcobacter defluvii
42 948798 949103 + NC_012115.1 Nautilia profundicola AmH
43 893080 893391 - NZ_CP032099.1 Aliarcobacter skirrowii CCUG 10374
44 837789 838103 - NC_014166.1 Arcobacter nitrofigilis DSM 7299
45 1736900 1737211 + NZ_CP053837.1 Aliarcobacter faecis
46 813784 814098 - NZ_CP041070.1 Arcobacter anaerophilus
47 1639669 1639983 + NC_017187.1 Aliarcobacter butzleri ED-1
48 1276407 1276652 - NC_017379.1 Helicobacter pylori Puno135
49 1988240 1988554 + NZ_CP032100.1 Arcobacter suis CECT 7833
50 1979352 1979657 + NZ_CP053833.1 Arcobacter cloacae
51 1903974 1904279 + NZ_CP030944.1 Arcobacter aquimarinus
52 1439072 1439383 + NZ_CP036246.2 [Arcobacter] porcinus
53 529114 529419 + NZ_CP063164.1 Sulfurovum indicum
54 409863 410168 + NZ_AP022826.1 Nitrosophilus labii
55 402197 402502 + NZ_AP022847.1 Nitrosophilus alvini
56 2072185 2072502 - NZ_AP014724.1 Sulfurospirillum cavolei
57 1014956 1015261 - NZ_AP023212.1 Hydrogenimonas urashimensis
58 474936 475244 + NC_014935.1 Nitratifractor salsuginis DSM 16511
59 569675 569980 + NZ_CP011308.1 Sulfurovum lithotrophicum
60 676430 676744 - NZ_CP032098.1 Malaciobacter molluscorum LMG 25693
61 2276014 2276328 + NZ_CP042652.1 Pseudoarcobacter acticola
62 1914864 1915172 + NZ_CP035946.1 Campylobacter canadensis
63 1214361 1214681 - NZ_CP012547.1 Campylobacter pinnipediorum subsp. pinnipediorum
64 511971 512309 + NZ_CP053841.1 Campylobacter blaseri
65 776086 776379 - NZ_CP042812.1 Malaciobacter canalis
66 782339 782632 - NZ_CP032101.1 Malaciobacter marinus
67 714576 714890 - NZ_CP031219.1 Malaciobacter mytili LMG 24559
68 594063 594377 + NZ_CP031367.1 Aliarcobacter trophiarum LMG 25534
69 1353148 1353462 - NZ_CP032823.1 Aliarcobacter cryaerophilus ATCC 43158
70 2422080 2422373 + NZ_CP053840.1 Arcobacter venerupis
71 1884243 1884536 + NZ_CP031217.1 Halarcobacter bivalviorum
72 721327 721620 - NZ_CP031218.1 Malaciobacter halophilus
73 1531840 1532178 - NZ_CP012196.1 Campylobacter gracilis
74 622685 622990 - NZ_CP035928.1 Malaciobacter pacificus
75 766664 766957 - NZ_CP019070.1 Poseidonibacter parvus
76 1007626 1007931 - NZ_CP040463.1 Caminibacter mediatlanticus TB-2
77 4338242 4338502 + NZ_AP023213.1 Citrifermentans bremense
78 4469725 4469985 + NC_011146.1 Citrifermentans bemidjiense Bem
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