Result : EXP01617
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name EXP01617
NCBI Accession ID BA000022.2
Organism Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Left 1135337
Right 1135588
Strand +
Source of smORF Protein-level
Function RNA binding [GO:0003723]
The ORF matches to the profile of cl17169. Profile Description: RNA recognition motif (RRM) superfamily. Crp79, also called meiotic expression up-regulated protein 5 (Mug5), or polyadenylate-binding protein crp79, or PABP, or poly(A)-binding protein, is an auxiliary mRNA export factor that binds the poly(A) tail of mRNA and is involved in the export of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Mug28 is a meiosis-specific protein that regulates spore wall formation. Members in this family contain three RNA recognition motifs (RRMs), also termed RBDs (RNA binding domains) or RNPs (ribonucleoprotein domains). The model corresponds to the three RRM motif.
Pubmed ID 30796087
Domain CDD:418427
Functional Category Gene Ontology/Expression based functional assignment
Uniprot ID Q9WX37
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 83
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 135
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 52530 52829 + NZ_AP014638.1 Leptolyngbya boryana IAM M-101
2 1576477 1576725 - NZ_AP014638.1 Leptolyngbya boryana IAM M-101
3 6759493 6759780 - NC_019729.1 Oscillatoria nigro-viridis PCC 7112
4 3389630 3389914 + NZ_CP047242.1 Trichormus variabilis 0441
5 8073349 8073648 - NZ_CP024785.1 Nostoc flagelliforme CCNUN1
6 1561734 1562030 - NZ_CP060822.1 Cylindrospermopsis curvispora GIHE-G1
7 930943 931221 - NZ_CP060822.1 Cylindrospermopsis curvispora GIHE-G1
8 2792385 2792681 - NC_019695.1 Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC 7203
9 2797509 2797778 - NC_019695.1 Chroococcidiopsis thermalis PCC 7203
10 2081263 2081550 - NC_019751.1 Calothrix sp. PCC 6303
11 62512 62808 + NC_019751.1 Calothrix sp. PCC 6303
12 2214129 2214413 - NZ_AP018202.1 Thermostichus vulcanus NIES-2134
13 215663 215935 - NZ_AP018202.1 Thermostichus vulcanus NIES-2134
14 5609853 5610113 - NC_009925.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
15 556808 557095 + NC_009925.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
16 2014474 2014722 + NC_009925.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
17 2656095 2656382 + NC_009925.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
18 2345110 2345394 - NC_004113.1 Thermosynechococcus vestitus BP-1
19 1505782 1506054 + NC_004113.1 Thermosynechococcus vestitus BP-1
20 1737734 1738021 - NC_019780.1 Dactylococcopsis salina PCC 8305
21 4829678 4829971 - NC_011729.1 Gloeothece citriformis PCC 7424
22 1193300 1193590 - NC_011729.1 Gloeothece citriformis PCC 7424
23 3169315 3169608 - NC_011729.1 Gloeothece citriformis PCC 7424
24 1808577 1808864 + NZ_CP018092.1 Synechococcus lividus PCC 6715
25 1414466 1414711 + NZ_CP018092.1 Synechococcus lividus PCC 6715
26 2601475 2601771 - NZ_CP021983.2 Halomicronema hongdechloris C2206
27 4535236 4535481 + NZ_CP021983.2 Halomicronema hongdechloris C2206
28 3080033 3080332 - NC_019689.1 Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7327
29 4045779 4046072 - NC_019689.1 Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7327
30 4984755 4985051 - NC_019689.1 Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7327
31 136339 136620 - NC_019689.1 Pleurocapsa sp. PCC 7327
32 3628951 3629235 - NC_019748.1 Stanieria cyanosphaera PCC 7437
33 1790798 1791088 - NC_019748.1 Stanieria cyanosphaera PCC 7437
34 1996936 1997226 - NC_019748.1 Stanieria cyanosphaera PCC 7437
35 35997 36242 - NC_019776.1 Cyanobacterium aponinum PCC 10605
36 1810909 1811202 + NC_010296.1 Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843
37 1810076 1810369 + NC_010296.1 Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843
38 2935188 2935484 + NC_010296.1 Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843
39 1482862 1483155 + NC_014501.1 Gloeothece verrucosa PCC 7822
40 54743 55012 - NC_009926.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
41 90919 91206 - NC_009926.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
42 67539 67826 - NC_009926.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
43 1335006 1335296 + NZ_CP042326.1 Euhalothece natronophila Z-M001
44 2260721 2261008 - NZ_CP042326.1 Euhalothece natronophila Z-M001
45 566 853 + NC_009929.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
46 222611 222844 + NC_009929.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
47 72752 73027 - NC_009928.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
48 53557 53802 - NC_009928.1 Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017
49 10409 10696 + NZ_CP042329.1 Euhalothece natronophila Z-M001
50 1239096 1239350 + NC_012115.1 Nautilia profundicola AmH
51 749122 749376 - NC_005090.1 Wolinella succinogenes DSM 1740
52 1597180 1597455 + NZ_CP045504.1 Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans DSM 3696
53 4062492 4062776 + NZ_CP045504.1 Desulfovibrio sulfodismutans DSM 3696
54 219183 219473 + NC_019675.1 Cyanobium gracile PCC 6307
55 2314915 2315166 + NC_017310.1 Desulfovibrio vulgaris RCH1
56 1346876 1347148 + NC_017310.1 Desulfovibrio vulgaris RCH1
57 2536780 2536992 - NC_017310.1 Desulfovibrio vulgaris RCH1
58 14228 14494 + NC_020127.1 Lawsonia intracellularis N343
59 137342 137608 - NZ_CP014229.1 Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis
60 718804 719067 + NZ_CP014229.1 Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis
61 2573372 2573581 + NC_016803.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii
62 1208206 1208472 - NC_016803.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii
63 3572235 3572480 - NC_016803.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii
64 335656 335871 - NZ_CP014230.1 Desulfomicrobium orale DSM 12838
65 1463897 1464160 - NZ_CP014230.1 Desulfomicrobium orale DSM 12838
66 1394717 1394971 + NZ_CP027432.2 Caminibacter pacificus
67 1060188 1060436 + NZ_AP017378.1 Desulfovibrio ferrophilus
68 525162 525371 + NZ_AP017378.1 Desulfovibrio ferrophilus
69 1657835 1658044 - NZ_AP017378.1 Desulfovibrio ferrophilus
70 874276 874485 + NZ_AP017378.1 Desulfovibrio ferrophilus
71 1254638 1254913 - NZ_CP048878.1 Spartinivicinus ruber
72 1363979 1364254 - NZ_CP048878.1 Spartinivicinus ruber
73 1363184 1363459 + NZ_CP048878.1 Spartinivicinus ruber
74 1204383 1204658 + NZ_CP048878.1 Spartinivicinus ruber
75 2409468 2409677 + NZ_CP039543.1 Desulfovibrio marinus
76 2241083 2241346 - NZ_CP039543.1 Desulfovibrio marinus
77 1929712 1929990 + NZ_AP023212.1 Hydrogenimonas urashimensis
78 977493 977771 + NZ_CP032101.1 Malaciobacter marinus
79 307147 307395 + NC_014836.1 Desulfurispirillum indicum S5
80 120987 121211 + NC_014836.1 Desulfurispirillum indicum S5
81 121321 121569 + NC_014836.1 Desulfurispirillum indicum S5
82 1007398 1007676 + NZ_CP042812.1 Malaciobacter canalis
83 2225079 2225345 + NZ_LT907975.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio profundus
84 1908007 1908252 + NZ_LT907975.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio profundus
85 420370 420636 + NZ_CP046400.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio cashew
86 177699 177944 - NZ_CP046400.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio cashew
87 2315139 2315348 - NZ_CP046400.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio cashew
88 1402871 1403146 - NZ_CP045508.1 Desulfolutivibrio sulfoxidireducens
89 2018601 2018864 + NC_013223.1 Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692
90 1721209 1721469 - NC_013223.1 Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692
91 624229 624471 - NC_015318.1 Hippea maritima DSM 10411
92 543363 543575 + NZ_CP053828.1 Campylobacter hyointestinalis subsp. lawsonii
93 455565 455843 + NC_007645.1 Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396
94 2293178 2293447 - NC_014365.1 Desulfarculus baarsii DSM 2075
95 1980185 1980463 - NC_014166.1 Arcobacter nitrofigilis DSM 7299
96 2720545 2720760 - NC_013173.1 Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028
97 878372 878629 - NC_013173.1 Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028
98 2403338 2403586 + NC_013173.1 Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028
99 4033423 4033683 + NZ_CP013118.1 Salinivirga cyanobacteriivorans
100 593681 593932 - NZ_CP040463.1 Caminibacter mediatlanticus TB-2
101 1232262 1232474 - NZ_CP059443.1 Campylobacter fetus
102 1438312 1438563 - NZ_CP036281.1 Polystyrenella longa
103 3762414 3762677 - NZ_CP036281.1 Polystyrenella longa
104 3293471 3293737 + NZ_CP017476.1 Hydrogenophaga crassostreae
105 180017 180229 + NC_011026.1 Chloroherpeton thalassium ATCC 35110
106 2852159 2852434 + NZ_CP039268.1 Thermochromatium tepidum ATCC 43061
107 1326481 1326765 - NC_013943.1 Denitrovibrio acetiphilus DSM 12809
108 994998 995267 - NC_013943.1 Denitrovibrio acetiphilus DSM 12809
109 227354 227620 + NC_021291.1 Spiribacter salinus M19-40
110 1359192 1359404 - NZ_CP010995.1 Campylobacter iguaniorum
111 1231015 1231269 + NZ_AP017470.1 Thermotomaculum hydrothermale
112 1230510 1230767 + NZ_AP017470.1 Thermotomaculum hydrothermale
113 1055736 1056029 + NZ_CP026538.1 Desulfovibrio carbinolicus
114 3552824 3553123 + NZ_CP026538.1 Desulfovibrio carbinolicus
115 59810 60067 - NZ_CP026538.1 Desulfovibrio carbinolicus
116 997832 998110 - NZ_CP026538.1 Desulfovibrio carbinolicus
117 911675 911953 + NZ_CP031218.1 Malaciobacter halophilus
118 8750838 8751098 + NZ_CP042425.1 Limnoglobus roseus
119 1707937 1708200 - NC_012881.1 Maridesulfovibrio salexigens DSM 2638
120 3423100 3423363 - NC_012881.1 Maridesulfovibrio salexigens DSM 2638
121 2632252 2632500 - NC_012881.1 Maridesulfovibrio salexigens DSM 2638
122 874550 874849 - NZ_AP017928.1 Methylocaldum marinum
123 3371809 3372081 - NZ_CP011801.1 Nitrospira moscoviensis
124 1631468 1631752 + NZ_CP040449.1 Aeromonas simiae
125 1190113 1190412 - NC_012796.1 Desulfovibrio magneticus RS-1
126 174676 174933 + NC_012796.1 Desulfovibrio magneticus RS-1
127 3906948 3907241 - NC_012796.1 Desulfovibrio magneticus RS-1
128 1281741 1282019 - NC_012796.1 Desulfovibrio magneticus RS-1
129 1859386 1859655 + NZ_CP011125.1 Sandaracinus amylolyticus
130 170530 170796 + NZ_CP053836.1 Halarcobacter ebronensis
131 1959578 1959856 + NZ_CP050851.1 Aeromonas hydrophila
132 4339185 4339412 + NC_014364.1 Sediminispirochaeta smaragdinae DSM 11293
133 2494547 2494828 - NC_014364.1 Sediminispirochaeta smaragdinae DSM 11293
134 45777 46058 + NZ_CP036246.2 [Arcobacter] porcinus
135 5978547 5978846 - NZ_CP042997.1 Aquisphaera giovannonii
136 3573032 3573307 + NC_014844.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2
137 2977159 2977422 - NC_014844.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2
138 921691 921954 + NC_014844.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2
139 339439 339714 + NC_013851.1 Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180
140 3128565 3128849 + NC_013851.1 Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180
141 1059680 1059940 - NC_002977.6 Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
142 104286 104552 + NZ_CP032100.1 Arcobacter suis CECT 7833
143 62132 62371 - NZ_LT828648.1 Nitrospira japonica
144 1039792 1040037 - NZ_CP012938.1 Bacteroides ovatus
145 47747 48028 + NZ_CP032099.1 Aliarcobacter skirrowii CCUG 10374
146 2116875 2117120 - NZ_CP015401.2 Bacteroides caecimuris
147 320005 320250 - NZ_CP015401.2 Bacteroides caecimuris
148 2414331 2414624 - NC_018018.1 Bernardetia litoralis DSM 6794
149 961710 961997 - NC_018018.1 Bernardetia litoralis DSM 6794
150 1735082 1735321 - NZ_AP018724.1 Sulfurivermis fontis
151 1278405 1278641 - NZ_CP047650.1 Xylophilus rhododendri
152 367928 368203 - NZ_CP011971.1 Steroidobacter denitrificans
153 461551 461778 + NZ_CP011971.1 Steroidobacter denitrificans
154 70343 70609 + NC_017187.1 Aliarcobacter butzleri ED-1
155 1966347 1966628 + NZ_CP032823.1 Aliarcobacter cryaerophilus ATCC 43158
156 1296801 1297052 - NC_013960.1 Nitrosococcus halophilus Nc 4
157 1402998 1403297 - NZ_LT906459.1 Odoribacter splanchnicus
158 45723 45989 - NZ_CP031217.1 Halarcobacter bivalviorum
159 3549927 3550196 - NC_015578.1 Treponema primitia ZAS-2
160 462715 462960 + NZ_CP019684.1 Campylobacter sputorum bv. paraureolyticus LMG 11764
161 3580846 3581097 + NZ_CP038033.1 Nitrosococcus wardiae
162 2908898 2909185 + NC_015732.1 Treponema caldarium DSM 7334
163 2956506 2956796 - NC_015732.1 Treponema caldarium DSM 7334
164 1558853 1559098 + NZ_CP027666.1 Ottowia oryzae
165 243601 243861 + NC_022664.1 Spiribacter curvatus
166 227117 227368 - NC_016633.1 Sphaerochaeta pleomorpha str. Grapes
167 2283205 2283456 - NC_016633.1 Sphaerochaeta pleomorpha str. Grapes
168 2041274 2041519 - NC_014734.1 Paludibacter propionicigenes WB4
169 906459 906749 + NZ_CP036278.1 Aeoliella mucimassa
170 521718 521963 + NZ_CP012541.1 Campylobacter concisus
171 1408290 1408547 + NC_006177.1 Symbiobacterium thermophilum IAM 14863
172 3378738 3379025 + NC_006177.1 Symbiobacterium thermophilum IAM 14863
173 3142623 3142901 + NC_015152.1 Sphaerochaeta globosa str. Buddy
174 1127811 1128056 - NC_015152.1 Sphaerochaeta globosa str. Buddy
175 2572255 2572500 - NZ_LN877293.1 Bacteroides fragilis
176 4569118 4569363 + NZ_LN877293.1 Bacteroides fragilis
177 229546 229794 - NC_015436.1 Sphaerochaeta coccoides DSM 17374
178 4076205 4076450 - NC_009614.1 Phocaeicola vulgatus ATCC 8482
179 2696479 2696769 + NZ_CP042434.1 Arachidicoccus ginsenosidivorans
180 599561 599806 + NZ_CP053826.1 Campylobacter curvus
181 4481882 4482127 - NZ_LR699004.1 Phocaeicola dorei
182 270003 270251 + NC_014933.1 Bacteroides helcogenes P 36-108
183 191908 192177 + NZ_AP022826.1 Nitrosophilus labii
184 2468344 2468619 - NC_018002.1 Sulfurospirillum barnesii SES-3
185 564277 564498 - NZ_AP018676.1 Helicobacter cinaedi
186 624992 625210 - NZ_LN907858.1 Helicobacter typhlonius
187 196177 196446 + NZ_AP022847.1 Nitrosophilus alvini
188 716398 716619 + NC_014810.2 Helicobacter felis ATCC 49179
189 459704 459973 + NZ_CP014671.1 Immundisolibacter cernigliae
190 163879 164097 - NZ_CP014991.1 Helicobacter himalayensis
191 1227851 1228138 - NC_015388.1 Desulfobacca acetoxidans DSM 11109
192 1313869 1314114 - NZ_CP053831.1 Campylobacter mucosalis
193 2972105 2972383 - NZ_CP017111.1 Sulfurospirillum halorespirans DSM 13726
194 3110973 3111251 - NZ_CP007201.1 Sulfurospirillum multivorans DSM 12446
195 9527455 9527745 + NZ_CP035758.1 Ktedonosporobacter rubrisoli
196 316565 316792 + NC_004917.1 Helicobacter hepaticus ATCC 51449
197 388365 388637 - NC_014762.1 Sulfuricurvum kujiense DSM 16994
198 87121 87387 + NZ_CP035928.1 Malaciobacter pacificus
199 173442 173708 + NZ_CP041070.1 Arcobacter anaerophilus
200 59515 59793 + NZ_AP014724.1 Sulfurospirillum cavolei
201 728247 728534 - NC_010729.1 Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277
202 29275 29556 - NZ_CP031367.1 Aliarcobacter trophiarum LMG 25534
203 2609344 2609628 - NZ_CP021023.1 Sedimentisphaera salicampi
204 1430682 1430891 - NZ_CP014056.2 Grimontia hollisae
205 154856 155074 + NZ_CP070624.1 Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae
206 6251013 6251246 - NZ_CP065050.1 Streptomyces solisilvae
207 2693425 2693634 + NZ_CP040021.1 Salinivibrio kushneri
208 3289618 3289872 + NZ_AP014635.1 Vibrio tritonius
209 172750 172965 + NZ_CP005974.1 Photobacterium gaetbulicola Gung47
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