Result : B1ZQN2
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Aspartyl/glutamyl-tRNA(Asn/Gln) amidotransferase subunit C (Asp/Glu-ADT subunit C) (EC 6.3.5.-)
NCBI Accession ID CP001032.1
Organism Opitutus terrae (strain DSM 11246 / JCM 15787 / PB90-1)
Left 3049792
Right 3050076
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Allows the formation of correctly charged Asn-tRNA(Asn) or Gln-tRNA(Gln) through the transamidation of misacylated Asp-tRNA(Asn) or Glu-tRNA(Gln) in organisms which lack either or both of asparaginyl-tRNA or glutaminyl-tRNA synthetases. The reaction takes place in the presence of glutamine and ATP through an activated phospho-Asp-tRNA(Asn) or phospho-Glu-tRNA(Gln). {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00122}.
Pubmed ID 21398538
Domain CDD:412411
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID B1ZQN2
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 94
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 4
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 3049792 3050076 + NC_010571.1 Opitutus terrae PB90-1
2 302273 302563 - NZ_CP023344.1 Nibricoccus aquaticus
3 4032523 4032780 - NZ_CP016094.1 Lacunisphaera limnophila
4 1755276 1755536 - NC_014008.1 Coraliomargarita akajimensis DSM 45221
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_010571.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00453.20 0.75 3 4341 same-strand Ribosomal protein L20
2 PF01409.22 1.0 4 3433.0 same-strand tRNA synthetases class II core domain (F)
3 PF02912.20 1.0 4 3433.0 same-strand Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase class II, N-terminal domain
4 PF03483.19 1.0 4 676.0 same-strand B3/4 domain
5 PF03147.16 1.0 4 676.0 same-strand Ferredoxin-fold anticodon binding domain
6 PF01588.22 1.0 4 676.0 same-strand Putative tRNA binding domain
7 PF03484.17 1.0 4 676.0 same-strand tRNA synthetase B5 domain
8 PF01425.23 1.0 4 64.5 same-strand Amidase
9 PF02934.17 1.0 4 1622.5 same-strand GatB/GatE catalytic domain
10 PF02637.20 1.0 4 1622.5 same-strand GatB domain
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