Result : B1LBA0
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 50S ribosomal protein L35
NCBI Accession ID CP000969.1
Organism Thermotoga sp. (strain RQ2)
Left 1285180
Right 1285377
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl00392. Profile Description: Ribosomal protein L35. This ribosomal protein is found in bacteria and organelles only. It is not closely related to any eukaryotic or archaeal ribosomal protein. [Protein synthesis, Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification]
Pubmed ID
Domain CDD:412354
Functional Category Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID B1LBA0
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 65
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 129
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1233780 1233977 - NC_023151.1 Thermotoga maritima MSB8
2 1243326 1243523 - NC_013642.1 Thermotoga naphthophila RKU-10
3 1223037 1223234 - NC_009486.1 Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1
4 868478 868675 - NC_011978.1 Thermotoga neapolitana DSM 4359
5 320866 321054 - NZ_CP014334.1 Fervidobacterium islandicum
6 255977 256165 - NC_017095.1 Fervidobacterium pennivorans DSM 9078
7 962042 962230 + NZ_CP007389.1 Thermosipho melanesiensis
8 724819 725007 + NC_009718.1 Fervidobacterium nodosum Rt17-B1
9 1224852 1225040 - NC_011653.1 Thermosipho africanus TCF52B
10 1847194 1847379 + NC_022795.1 Pseudothermotoga hypogea DSM 11164 = NBRC 106472
11 1961243 1961425 + NC_015707.1 Pseudothermotoga thermarum DSM 5069
12 691376 691561 - NZ_AP014509.1 Thermotoga caldifontis AZM44c09
13 1410137 1410325 + NC_009828.1 Pseudothermotoga lettingae TMO
14 1422494 1422682 + NC_022792.1 Pseudothermotoga elfii DSM 9442 = NBRC 107921
15 1973595 1973792 + NZ_AP014510.1 Thermotoga profunda AZM34c06
16 456857 457054 + NZ_CP045798.1 Thermoanaerosceptrum fracticalcis
17 2385893 2386090 + NZ_CP059066.1 Koleobacter methoxysyntrophicus
18 3167593 3167787 - NZ_CP018099.1 Caldithrix abyssi DSM 13497
19 2576117 2576308 - NC_013216.1 Desulfofarcimen acetoxidans DSM 771
20 964851 965045 + NC_018664.1 Gottschalkia acidurici 9a
21 3629665 3629865 - NZ_CP042593.1 Bacillus dafuensis
22 3138667 3138867 + NZ_CP041305.1 Cytobacillus ciccensis
23 2519482 2519676 - NC_015589.1 Desulfotomaculum ruminis DSM 2154
24 728029 728226 + NC_015519.1 Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans Re1
25 2831948 2832148 + NZ_CP063356.1 Anaerobacillus isosaccharinicus
26 3604213 3604410 - NZ_AP017312.1 Aneurinibacillus soli
27 74509 74703 - NC_018178.1 Melioribacter roseus P3M-2
28 4814991 4815188 + NZ_CP042435.1 Panacibacter ginsenosidivorans
29 1541084 1541278 + NZ_CP019698.1 Desulfotomaculum ferrireducens
30 1057620 1057820 + NZ_CP016020.1 Bacillus weihaiensis
31 3088270 3088464 + NZ_CP044285.1 Hymenobacter baengnokdamensis
32 1441163 1441357 - NC_015437.1 Selenomonas sputigena ATCC 35185
33 795134 795334 + NZ_CP040336.1 Bacillus luti
34 4380540 4380740 - NC_007530.2 Bacillus anthracis str. 'Ames Ancestor'
35 4404108 4404308 - NZ_CP064875.1 Bacillus toyonensis
36 4539900 4540100 - NC_011725.1 Bacillus cereus B4264
37 3051709 3051906 - NC_009483.1 Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4
38 2110139 2110336 - NZ_CP010802.1 Desulfuromonas soudanensis
39 2399462 2399656 + NZ_CP007145.1 Hymenobacter swuensis DY53
40 1668787 1668984 + NC_007498.2 Syntrophotalea carbinolica DSM 2380
41 1047425 1047622 + NZ_CP017702.1 Companilactobacillus farciminis KCTC 3681 = DSM 20184
42 3321811 3322011 - NZ_CP024109.1 Bacillus cytotoxicus
43 937213 937410 + NC_014365.1 Desulfarculus baarsii DSM 2075
44 1212643 1212843 + NZ_CP070511.1 Parageobacillus toebii
45 3659251 3659451 - NZ_CP016622.1 Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius
46 115547 115744 + NZ_CP007032.1 Desulfitobacterium metallireducens DSM 15288
47 2473329 2473529 - NZ_CP012024.1 Bacillus smithii
48 537142 537339 + NZ_CP015519.1 Syntrophotalea acetylenivorans
49 1755209 1755403 + NC_009253.1 Desulfotomaculum reducens MI-1
50 4574651 4574851 - NZ_CP032365.1 Bacillus wiedmannii
51 2213942 2214139 - NZ_CP016379.1 Anoxybacter fermentans
52 644290 644487 + NC_015520.1 Mahella australiensis 50-1 BON
53 1591668 1591865 - NC_006138.1 Desulfotalea psychrophila LSv54
54 706893 707075 + NZ_CP068564.1 Keratinibaculum paraultunense
55 726666 726857 + NC_015389.1 Coriobacterium glomerans PW2
56 1190209 1190409 + NZ_CP038015.1 Paenisporosarcina antarctica
57 887009 887200 - NZ_LR134523.1 Peptoniphilus ivorii
58 305602 305799 + NZ_CP011390.1 Flavisolibacter tropicus
59 2468582 2468779 - NC_014376.1 [Clostridium] saccharolyticum WM1
60 2354826 2355023 - NZ_CP036259.1 Sporomusa termitida
61 1713839 1714036 - NZ_CP006828.1 Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale ORT-UMN 88
62 4002272 4002466 - NZ_CP020104.1 Spirosoma aerolatum
63 886073 886267 + NZ_CP048106.1 Pontibacter pudoricolor
64 59859 60056 + NC_013223.1 Desulfohalobium retbaense DSM 5692
65 2831063 2831260 - NZ_CP022121.1 Dehalobacterium formicoaceticum
66 1529382 1529582 - NZ_CP071878.1 Mucilaginibacter gossypii
67 3670410 3670607 - NZ_CP015249.1 Dokdonella koreensis DS-123
68 1688880 1689077 + NZ_CP010311.1 Geoalkalibacter subterraneus
69 1363865 1364062 + NZ_CP035704.1 Pseudolysobacter antarcticus
70 798694 798891 - NZ_CP017269.1 Geosporobacter ferrireducens
71 3069866 3070066 - NZ_CP038029.1 Sphingobacterium psychroaquaticum
72 262426 262620 + NC_011374.1 Ureaplasma urealyticum serovar 10 str. ATCC 33699
73 2701345 2701545 - NZ_CP060723.1 Pedobacter roseus
74 1256613 1256807 + NC_008346.1 Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. wolfei str. Goettingen G311
75 10114624 10114821 - NC_010162.1 Sorangium cellulosum So ce56
76 2454499 2454693 - NZ_CP037922.1 Hymenobacter radiodurans
77 2098968 2099162 - NC_009922.1 Alkaliphilus oremlandii OhILAs
78 4927394 4927588 + NZ_CP047984.1 Pontibacter russatus
79 1800418 1800618 - NZ_CP066775.1 Mucilaginibacter ginkgonis
80 2370961 2371161 - NZ_CP032869.1 Mucilaginibacter celer
81 2327876 2328076 - NZ_CP024955.1 Kyrpidia spormannii
82 2470351 2470548 + NZ_CP054140.1 Desulfobulbus oligotrophicus
83 2334840 2335040 - NC_014098.1 Kyrpidia tusciae DSM 2912
84 4380666 4380863 - NZ_CP022464.2 Enterocloster bolteae
85 38468 38662 + NZ_CP050954.1 Hymenobacter sp. BT18
86 1306011 1306208 + NZ_CP032364.1 Lachnoanaerobaculum umeaense
87 10160203 10160400 - NZ_CP012159.1 Chondromyces crocatus
88 4324289 4324483 - NZ_CP040106.1 Echinicola rosea
89 701697 701903 - NC_013501.1 Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4252
90 371264 371458 - NC_012115.1 Nautilia profundicola AmH
91 1369950 1370147 - NC_014377.1 Thermosediminibacter oceani DSM 16646
92 1722512 1722703 + NC_009633.1 Alkaliphilus metalliredigens QYMF
93 3903567 3903764 + NC_014041.1 Zunongwangia profunda SM-A87
94 1522152 1522349 + NZ_CP040463.1 Caminibacter mediatlanticus TB-2
95 775796 775993 - NZ_CP070062.1 Coprococcus comes
96 3431004 3431204 - NZ_CP006837.1 Lysinibacillus varians
97 1310439 1310639 + NZ_CP019980.1 Lysinibacillus sphaericus
98 9952 10146 - NZ_AP022847.1 Nitrosophilus alvini
99 381375 381569 - NZ_CP027432.2 Caminibacter pacificus
100 4060179 4060373 + NC_019904.1 Echinicola vietnamensis DSM 17526
101 2244482 2244679 - NC_004556.1 Xylella fastidiosa Temecula1
102 3170603 3170800 - NZ_CP037883.1 Stenotrophomonas indicatrix
103 3056681 3056878 - NZ_LS483377.1 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
104 1215653 1215850 + NZ_CP046570.1 Xanthomonas albilineans
105 1604616 1604813 + NZ_CP012900.1 Stenotrophomonas acidaminiphila
106 4179797 4179991 + NZ_CP014766.1 Pontibacter akesuensis
107 297056 297256 + NZ_AP013035.1 Thermosulfidibacter takaii ABI70S6
108 2969589 2969786 - NZ_LT853882.1 Xanthomonas fragariae
109 1556875 1557072 + NZ_CP007810.1 Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola
110 2163211 2163408 + NZ_CP033326.1 Xanthomonas cucurbitae
111 1983243 1983440 + NZ_CP028127.1 Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum
112 4190247 4190444 + NZ_CP043476.1 Xanthomonas hyacinthi
113 1968007 1968204 + NZ_CP058243.1 Xanthomonas campestris pv. raphani
114 2995883 2996080 - NZ_CP072268.1 Xanthomonas euvesicatoria pv. alfalfae
115 911755 911952 - NZ_CP018725.1 Xanthomonas vesicatoria ATCC 35937
116 274588 274794 + NZ_CP020921.1 Thermodesulfobium acidiphilum
117 298542 298748 + NC_015499.1 Thermodesulfobium narugense DSM 14796
118 2791642 2791839 - NZ_CP053627.1 Xylella taiwanensis
119 1649982 1650173 + NC_017464.1 Ignavibacterium album JCM 16511
120 1591398 1591595 - NZ_CP016878.1 Xanthomonas hortorum
121 1387603 1387797 - NZ_CP029145.1 Hymenobacter nivis
122 3211173 3211370 - NZ_CP036170.1 [Clostridium] scindens ATCC 35704
123 60718 60909 - NZ_CP012544.1 Campylobacter showae
124 2509242 2509439 - NZ_CP040058.1 Anaerostipes rhamnosivorans
125 1119185 1119382 + NZ_CP036345.1 Anaerostipes caccae L1-92
126 2427264 2427455 - NZ_CP012543.1 Campylobacter rectus
127 3224245 3224442 + NZ_CP040098.1 Desulfoglaeba alkanexedens ALDC
128 2980393 2980596 - NZ_CP015378.1 Fictibacillus phosphorivorans
129 1813170 1813367 - NZ_CP067057.1 Rahnella aceris
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP059066.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00453.20 0.99 128 36.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein L20
2 PF00707.24 0.92 119 30 same-strand Translation initiation factor IF-3, C-terminal domain
3 PF05198.18 0.63 81 29 same-strand Translation initiation factor IF-3, N-terminal domain
4 PF00587.27 0.69 89 835 same-strand tRNA synthetase class II core domain (G, H, P, S and T)
5 PF03129.22 0.69 89 837.5 same-strand Anticodon binding domain
6 PF07973.16 0.68 88 833.5 same-strand Threonyl and Alanyl tRNA synthetase second additional domain
7 PF02824.23 0.65 84 837.5 same-strand TGS domain
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