Result : HVO_2523
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name HVO_2523
NCBI Accession ID CP001956.1
Organism Haloferax volcanii DS2
Left 2389183
Right 2389335
Strand +
Source of smORF Literature-mining
Function The deletion mutant is inhibited in its ability to grow in glycerol-containing medium and to swarm. It shows a gain of function phenotype in the context of growth in the presence of bile acids and has enhanced ability to form biofilm.
Pubmed ID 31083437
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 50
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 17
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 3240904 3241056 + NZ_CP048738.1 Haloferax alexandrinus
2 2389183 2389335 + NC_013967.1 Haloferax volcanii DS2
3 2492154 2492306 + NZ_CP011947.1 Haloferax gibbonsii
4 2732948 2733100 - NZ_CP039139.1 Haloferax mediterranei ATCC 33500
5 990454 990591 - NC_014729.1 Halogeometricum borinquense DSM 11551
6 2167105 2167248 + NC_008212.1 Haloquadratum walsbyi DSM 16790
7 3324166 3324306 - NZ_CP058579.1 Halobaculum salinum
8 2545462 2545602 + NZ_CP034145.1 Haloplanus aerogenes
9 2453853 2453996 + NC_012029.1 Halorubrum lacusprofundi ATCC 49239
10 3722282 3722419 + NC_019792.1 Natronobacterium gregoryi SP2
11 3045199 3045324 - NZ_CP058335.1 Natronomonas salina
12 150987 151133 + NZ_CP019893.1 Natrarchaeobaculum aegyptiacum
13 990687 990812 - NC_020388.1 Natronomonas moolapensis 8.8.11
14 977326 977451 - NC_020388.1 Natronomonas moolapensis 8.8.11
15 1266156 1266284 - NZ_CP019327.1 Haloterrigena daqingensis
16 391959 392084 + NZ_CP016804.1 Halodesulfurarchaeum formicicum
17 3735097 3735243 + NC_019974.1 Natronococcus occultus SP4
18 1658222 1658398 + NZ_CP024047.1 Natrarchaeobaculum sulfurireducens
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