Result : Q8CUT7
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Small, acid-soluble spore protein P (SASP P)
NCBI Accession ID BA000028.3
Organism Oceanobacillus iheyensis (strain DSM 14371 / CIP 107618 / JCM 11309 / KCTC 3954 / HTE831)
Left 1062280
Right 1062432
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl23918. Profile Description: Small acid-soluble spore protein P family. This family consists of the small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) P type (sspP). sspP is expressed only in the forespore compartment of the sporulating cell. sspP is also expressed under sigma-G control from the same promoter as sspO. Mutations deleting sspP causes no discernible effect on sporulation, spore properties or spore germination.
Pubmed ID 12235376
Domain CDD:420091
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID Q8CUT7
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 50
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 13
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1062280 1062432 + NC_004193.1 Oceanobacillus iheyensis HTE831
2 326881 327033 - NZ_CP018622.1 Virgibacillus dokdonensis
3 684679 684831 + NZ_CP017962.1 Virgibacillus halodenitrificans
4 276582 276734 - NZ_CP022315.1 Virgibacillus phasianinus
5 2037687 2037839 + NZ_CP020772.1 Halobacillus mangrovi
6 1237282 1237434 + NZ_CP024848.1 Oceanobacillus zhaokaii
7 3659855 3660007 - NZ_CP022437.1 Virgibacillus necropolis
8 2409552 2409704 - NC_017668.1 Halobacillus halophilus DSM 2266
9 2437173 2437316 + NZ_CP018866.1 Sutcliffiella cohnii
10 4627710 4627853 + NZ_CP041305.1 Cytobacillus ciccensis
11 1409371 1409496 - NZ_CP008876.1 Terribacillus goriensis
12 2188961 2189098 + NC_013791.2 Alkalihalobacillus pseudofirmus OF4
13 3735215 3735352 - NZ_CP063356.1 Anaerobacillus isosaccharinicus
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