Result : Q7MQZ9
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 30S ribosomal protein S18
NCBI Accession ID BX571662.1
Organism Wolinella succinogenes (strain ATCC 29543 / DSM 1740 / LMG 7466 / NCTC 11488 / FDC 602W) (Vibrio succinogenes)
Left 21996
Right 22253
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Binds as a heterodimer with protein S6 to the central domain of the 16S rRNA, where it helps stabilize the platform of the 30S subunit. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00270}.
Pubmed ID 14500908
Domain CDD:412341
Functional Category Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID Q7MQZ9
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 85
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 115
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1763008 1763265 - NC_005090.1 Wolinella succinogenes DSM 1740
2 193274 193531 + NZ_CP063087.1 Helicobacter winghamensis
3 1485435 1485692 - NZ_CP021886.1 Helicobacter apodemus
4 519396 519650 + NC_004917.1 Helicobacter hepaticus ATCC 51449
5 399729 399983 - NZ_AP018676.1 Helicobacter cinaedi
6 1368652 1368906 - NZ_LS483446.1 Helicobacter mustelae
7 423718 423972 + NZ_CP014991.1 Helicobacter himalayensis
8 1056205 1056459 - NC_014810.2 Helicobacter felis ATCC 49179
9 493597 493851 - NZ_LN907858.1 Helicobacter typhlonius
10 208275 208532 + NC_008229.1 Helicobacter acinonychis str. Sheeba
11 1309271 1309528 - NC_017379.1 Helicobacter pylori Puno135
12 70047 70304 - NC_017735.1 Helicobacter cetorum MIT 99-5656
13 1675150 1675410 + NZ_CP020867.1 Campylobacter cuniculorum DSM 23162 = LMG 24588
14 1006100 1006360 + NC_002163.1 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168 = ATCC 700819
15 326965 327225 - NZ_CP031611.1 Campylobacter hepaticus
16 424044 424304 - NZ_CP053849.1 Campylobacter upsaliensis RM3940
17 877174 877434 + NZ_CP007770.1 Campylobacter insulaenigrae NCTC 12927
18 912937 913197 + NC_012039.1 Campylobacter lari RM2100
19 413967 414227 - NZ_CP020478.1 Campylobacter helveticus
20 894899 895159 + NZ_CP007774.1 Campylobacter volucris LMG 24379
21 11169 11429 + NZ_CP063079.1 Campylobacter peloridis
22 954325 954585 + NZ_CP053825.1 Campylobacter armoricus
23 999331 999591 + NZ_CP053848.1 Campylobacter ornithocola
24 589259 589513 + NZ_CP022347.1 Campylobacter avium LMG 24591
25 1187271 1187531 + NZ_CP007773.1 Campylobacter subantarcticus LMG 24377
26 1209566 1209844 + NZ_AP022847.1 Nitrosophilus alvini
27 1132395 1132655 + NZ_CP059443.1 Campylobacter fetus
28 1246595 1246855 + NZ_CP053828.1 Campylobacter hyointestinalis subsp. lawsonii
29 622427 622699 - NZ_AP022826.1 Nitrosophilus labii
30 1237396 1237656 + NZ_CP010995.1 Campylobacter iguaniorum
31 627241 627501 - NZ_CP053841.1 Campylobacter blaseri
32 705733 705993 - NZ_CP015578.1 Campylobacter lanienae NCTC 13004
33 731245 731505 - NZ_CP053826.1 Campylobacter curvus
34 1498787 1499047 + NZ_CP012547.1 Campylobacter pinnipediorum subsp. pinnipediorum
35 164340 164600 + NZ_CP035946.1 Campylobacter canadensis
36 437626 437886 + NZ_CP019684.1 Campylobacter sputorum bv. paraureolyticus LMG 11764
37 1317382 1317642 + NZ_CP012541.1 Campylobacter concisus
38 1000786 1001046 - NZ_CP053831.1 Campylobacter mucosalis
39 1520621 1520881 - NZ_CP012196.1 Campylobacter gracilis
40 1848201 1848464 + NC_014935.1 Nitratifractor salsuginis DSM 16511
41 1809950 1810213 + NZ_CP063164.1 Sulfurovum indicum
42 973204 973464 - NZ_CP012543.1 Campylobacter rectus
43 762813 763073 - NZ_CP012544.1 Campylobacter showae
44 1851324 1851587 + NZ_CP011308.1 Sulfurovum lithotrophicum
45 1030067 1030330 + NZ_CP053842.1 Campylobacter corcagiensis
46 1707215 1707481 + NZ_AP014724.1 Sulfurospirillum cavolei
47 861589 861855 - NC_013512.1 Sulfurospirillum deleyianum DSM 6946
48 895015 895281 - NC_018002.1 Sulfurospirillum barnesii SES-3
49 1152466 1152732 - NZ_CP017111.1 Sulfurospirillum halorespirans DSM 13726
50 1075244 1075510 - NZ_CP007201.1 Sulfurospirillum multivorans DSM 12446
51 2475763 2476026 - NZ_CP042812.1 Malaciobacter canalis
52 2551444 2551707 - NZ_CP032101.1 Malaciobacter marinus
53 2856450 2856707 - NC_014166.1 Arcobacter nitrofigilis DSM 7299
54 2276890 2277147 - NZ_CP035928.1 Malaciobacter pacificus
55 226717 226983 + NC_017187.1 Aliarcobacter butzleri ED-1
56 2456986 2457243 - NZ_CP032098.1 Malaciobacter molluscorum LMG 25693
57 2443668 2443925 - NZ_CP031218.1 Malaciobacter halophilus
58 326768 327034 + NZ_CP032100.1 Arcobacter suis CECT 7833
59 375734 376000 + NZ_CP053840.1 Arcobacter venerupis
60 308027 308293 + NZ_CP030944.1 Arcobacter aquimarinus
61 364305 364571 + NZ_CP053833.1 Arcobacter cloacae
62 377722 377988 + NZ_CP032097.1 Arcobacter ellisii
63 409210 409476 + NZ_CP042652.1 Pseudoarcobacter acticola
64 369413 369679 + NZ_CP053835.1 Arcobacter defluvii
65 2475341 2475598 - NZ_CP031219.1 Malaciobacter mytili LMG 24559
66 2531012 2531269 - NZ_CP019070.1 Poseidonibacter parvus
67 1705729 1705995 - NZ_CP031367.1 Aliarcobacter trophiarum LMG 25534
68 2645828 2646085 - NZ_CP041070.1 Arcobacter anaerophilus
69 221130 221396 + NZ_CP032823.1 Aliarcobacter cryaerophilus ATCC 43158
70 2736989 2737246 - NZ_CP053836.1 Halarcobacter ebronensis
71 1721850 1722116 - NZ_CP032099.1 Aliarcobacter skirrowii CCUG 10374
72 2018825 2019091 - NZ_CP053837.1 Aliarcobacter faecis
73 1995569 1995835 - NZ_CP054051.1 Aliarcobacter cibarius
74 1795832 1796098 - NZ_CP036246.2 [Arcobacter] porcinus
75 729740 730003 + NZ_AP023212.1 Hydrogenimonas urashimensis
76 2337953 2338210 - NZ_CP031217.1 Halarcobacter bivalviorum
77 1745070 1745333 + NC_007575.1 Sulfurimonas denitrificans DSM 1251
78 688817 689044 + NZ_CP040463.1 Caminibacter mediatlanticus TB-2
79 1289551 1289778 - NZ_CP027432.2 Caminibacter pacificus
80 1261230 1261460 - NC_012115.1 Nautilia profundicola AmH
81 1698161 1698424 + NC_014506.1 Sulfurimonas autotrophica DSM 16294
82 1594096 1594359 + NZ_CP041406.1 Sulfurimonas paralvinellae
83 141663 141881 - NZ_CP046314.1 Gemella morbillorum
84 1709253 1709471 - NZ_LR134484.1 Gemella haemolysans
85 664463 664720 - NC_014762.1 Sulfuricurvum kujiense DSM 16994
86 3221645 3221899 + NZ_CP029480.1 Arcticibacterium luteifluviistationis
87 3021767 3021997 - NC_010556.1 Exiguobacterium sibiricum 255-15
88 4185890 4186123 - NC_002570.2 Alkalihalobacillus halodurans C-125
89 35175 35414 + NC_013891.1 Listeria seeligeri serovar 1/2b str. SLCC3954
90 103955 104194 + NZ_CP009577.1 Listeria ivanovii subsp. ivanovii
91 50514 50753 + NC_003210.1 Listeria monocytogenes EGD-e
92 254177 254404 + NZ_CP039710.1 Thermoactinomyces vulgaris
93 3264952 3265188 - NZ_CP016538.2 Planococcus maritimus
94 3266981 3267217 - NZ_CP059540.1 Planococcus maritimus
95 3171906 3172142 - NZ_CP013659.2 Planococcus rifietoensis
96 33916 34155 + NZ_LR134483.1 Listeria grayi
97 3245955 3246191 - NZ_CP016539.2 Planococcus plakortidis
98 2117973 2118203 - NZ_CP017705.1 Brevibacillus laterosporus DSM 25
99 27959 28183 + NZ_CP011361.2 Salimicrobium jeotgali
100 2183834 2184073 - NZ_CP009709.1 Weizmannia coagulans DSM 1 = ATCC 7050
101 3075934 3076143 - NZ_AP019309.1 Intestinibaculum porci
102 3842574 3842807 - NC_013791.2 Alkalihalobacillus pseudofirmus OF4
103 25252 25476 + NZ_CP013197.1 Spiroplasma citri
104 101030 101254 + NZ_CP024969.1 Mesoplasma tabanidae
105 1236107 1236340 + NC_015275.1 Cellulosilyticum lentocellum DSM 5427
106 574427 574657 + NZ_CP026363.1 Brevibacillus agri
107 6643762 6643992 - NZ_LR134338.1 Brevibacillus brevis
108 206326 206574 - NZ_CP015840.1 Chlamydia gallinacea 08-1274/3
109 1904869 1905096 - NZ_AP022853.1 Sulfurimicrobium lacus
110 1882127 1882360 + NC_016630.1 Filifactor alocis ATCC 35896
111 3411417 3411671 - NC_014655.1 Leadbetterella byssophila DSM 17132
112 707857 708099 + NZ_AP017470.1 Thermotomaculum hydrothermale
113 343980 344240 + NZ_LT821227.1 Phoenicibacter congonensis
114 1465742 1465963 - NZ_CP007501.1 Polynucleobacter duraquae
115 411517 411738 + NC_009379.1 Polynucleobacter asymbioticus QLW-P1DMWA-1
116 1143064 1143285 - NZ_CP030086.1 Polynucleobacter paneuropaeus
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_005090.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00436.27 0.92 106 17 same-strand Single-strand binding protein family
2 PF01250.19 0.98 113 553.5 same-strand Ribosomal protein S6
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