Result : Q5X846
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 30S ribosomal protein S14
NCBI Accession ID CR628336.1
Organism Legionella pneumophila (strain Paris)
Left 462251
Right 462553
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Binds 16S rRNA, required for the assembly of 30S particles and may also be responsible for determining the conformation of the 16S rRNA at the A site. {ECO:0000250}.
Pubmed ID 15467720
Domain CDD:412331
Functional Category Metal-binding_and_Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID Q5X846
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 100
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 107
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 389208 389510 + NZ_CP013742.1 Legionella pneumophila
2 569526 569828 + NC_013861.1 Legionella longbeachae NSW150
3 6294 6596 + NZ_CP025491.2 Legionella sainthelensi
4 3082054 3082356 - NZ_LN614827.1 Legionella fallonii LLAP-10
5 657719 658021 + NZ_LT906442.1 Legionella waltersii
6 261121 261423 + NZ_LT906451.1 Legionella lansingensis
7 451637 451939 + NZ_LN614830.1 Tatlockia micdadei
8 342741 343043 + NZ_LN681225.1 Legionella hackeliae
9 2876421 2876723 - NZ_CP038254.1 Legionella israelensis
10 3803 4105 - NZ_LR134417.1 Legionella adelaidensis
11 2964309 2964611 - NZ_CP016397.1 Legionella clemsonensis
12 2643067 2643369 + NZ_LR134374.1 Legionella spiritensis
13 549058 549363 + NZ_CP031415.1 Saccharospirillum mangrovi
14 428140 428445 + NZ_CP022132.1 Francisella halioticida
15 1250998 1251303 + NC_007912.1 Saccharophagus degradans 2-40
16 2734845 2735150 - NZ_CP072793.1 Thiothrix unzii
17 274284 274589 + NC_023029.1 Francisella orientalis LADL--07-285A
18 237704 238009 + NC_017449.1 Francisella hispaniensis
19 243433 243738 + NC_015696.1 Francisella salina
20 1550269 1550574 - NZ_CP043552.1 Francisella marina
21 257342 257647 + NZ_CP016796.1 Francisella uliginis
22 347411 347716 + NZ_AP012273.1 Thiolapillus brandeum
23 1479054 1479359 - NZ_CP038017.1 Allofrancisella frigidaquae
24 1550268 1550573 - NZ_CP038241.1 Allofrancisella inopinata
25 235538 235843 + NZ_CP022375.1 Francisella opportunistica
26 2124833 2125138 - NZ_CP012418.1 Kangiella sediminilitoris
27 416078 416383 + NZ_CP025120.1 Kangiella profundi
28 3440685 3440990 - NZ_CP047491.1 Microbulbifer hydrolyticus
29 512271 512576 + NZ_CP010427.1 Allofrancisella guangzhouensis
30 153705 154010 + NZ_CP021781.1 Francisella adeliensis
31 1185370 1185675 - NZ_CP012505.1 Francisella persica ATCC VR-331
32 451557 451862 + NZ_CP035033.1 Hydrogenovibrio thermophilus
33 138134 138439 + NC_015581.1 Thiomicrospira cyclica ALM1
34 470130 470435 + NC_013166.1 Kangiella koreensis DSM 16069
35 441734 442039 + NZ_CP054020.1 Thiomicrorhabdus xiamenensis
36 3622980 3623285 - NZ_AP014545.1 Amphritea japonica ATCC BAA-1530
37 2116116 2116421 - NZ_CP010975.1 Kangiella geojedonensis
38 600626 600931 + NZ_CP014864.1 Microbulbifer thermotolerans
39 1578976 1579281 + NZ_CP014143.1 Microbulbifer aggregans
40 2257638 2257943 + NZ_CP019343.1 Oceanicoccus sagamiensis
41 385019 385324 + NZ_AP020335.1 Hydrogenovibrio marinus
42 141399 141704 - NZ_CP009654.1 Francisella frigiditurris
43 3511932 3512237 - NZ_CP019650.1 Microbulbifer agarilyticus
44 368249 368554 + NZ_CP040602.1 Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis
45 259892 260197 + NZ_CP060084.1 Teredinibacter haidensis
46 5170737 5171042 - NZ_CP020038.1 Agarilytica rhodophyticola
47 2395530 2395835 - NZ_AP021889.1 Thiosulfatimonas sediminis
48 173635 173940 + NZ_CP007030.1 Thiomicrospira aerophila AL3
49 3302658 3302963 - NZ_CP043869.1 Neptunomonas concharum
50 6023963 6024268 - NZ_CP007142.1 Gynuella sunshinyii YC6258
51 460000 460305 + NZ_CP033040.1 Thiomicrorhabdus indica
52 2044819 2045124 - NZ_CP014841.1 Dyella thiooxydans
53 841540 841845 + NC_010995.1 Cellvibrio japonicus Ueda107
54 2011327 2011632 - NC_018868.3 Simiduia agarivorans SA1 = DSM 21679
55 290716 291021 + NC_014532.2 Halomonas elongata DSM 2581
56 2332385 2332690 + NZ_CP042218.1 Luteimonas granuli
57 759863 760168 - NZ_CP021323.1 Kushneria konosiri
58 3509298 3509603 - NZ_CP036422.1 Halioglobus maricola
59 838044 838352 + NZ_LR134365.1 Cardiobacterium hominis
60 752463 752768 + NZ_CP021425.1 Oleiphilus messinensis
61 371247 371552 + NZ_CP051183.1 Bermanella marisrubri
62 4172832 4173137 - NZ_CP027860.1 Ahniella affigens
63 518029 518334 - NZ_CP042382.1 Pistricoccus aurantiacus
64 485752 486057 + NC_007963.1 Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM 3043
65 2539333 2539638 + NZ_CP021358.1 Kushneria marisflavi
66 332659 332964 + NZ_AP018933.1 Zymobacter palmae
67 2684121 2684426 - NZ_CP041242.1 Lysobacter alkalisoli
68 2290548 2290853 - NZ_CP013816.1 Piscirickettsia salmonis
69 365466 365771 + NZ_AP018722.1 Thiomicrorhabdus aquaedulcis
70 3930149 3930454 - NZ_CP065435.1 Halomonas sp. SS10-MC5
71 3637574 3637879 - NZ_CP021435.1 Halomonas beimenensis
72 4411742 4412047 - NZ_CP060092.1 Teredinibacter purpureus
73 1094669 1094974 + NC_020541.1 Rhodanobacter denitrificans
74 3922069 3922374 - NC_020908.1 Octadecabacter arcticus 238
75 1969285 1969590 + NZ_CP018139.1 Halomonas aestuarii
76 981902 982207 - NZ_CP048812.1 Halomonas socia
77 259730 260035 + NZ_CP012160.1 Octadecabacter temperatus
78 2249751 2250056 - NZ_CP046415.1 Guyparkeria halophila
79 4337523 4337828 - NC_020911.1 Octadecabacter antarcticus 307
80 507048 507353 + NZ_CP014544.1 Zhongshania aliphaticivorans
81 374719 375024 + NZ_CP013106.1 Halomonas huangheensis
82 3297470 3297775 - NZ_CP064030.1 Dyella caseinilytica
83 855863 856168 - NZ_CP015093.1 Salipiger abyssi
84 642855 643160 + NZ_AP018724.1 Sulfurivermis fontis
85 49818 50120 + NC_019776.1 Cyanobacterium aponinum PCC 10605
86 3513531 3513836 + NZ_CP027407.1 Roseobacter denitrificans
87 2916396 2916701 - NZ_CP041159.1 Leisingera aquaemixtae
88 4400293 4400598 - NZ_CP009125.1 Pectobacterium atrosepticum
89 524089 524394 + NZ_CP065044.1 Pectobacterium aroidearum
90 2549405 2549710 - NZ_CP003984.1 Planktomarina temperata RCA23
91 3203638 3203943 - NZ_CP017482.1 Pectobacterium polaris
92 1132017 1132322 - NZ_CP015750.1 Pectobacterium wasabiae CFBP 3304
93 2141259 2141564 + NZ_CP047495.1 Pectobacterium brasiliense
94 483038 483343 + NZ_CP051652.1 Pectobacterium carotovorum
95 4390833 4391138 - NZ_CP034938.1 Pectobacterium odoriferum
96 4739309 4739614 + NZ_CP015749.1 Pectobacterium parmentieri
97 4230392 4230697 - NZ_CP038498.1 Pectobacterium punjabense
98 3436079 3436384 - NC_015730.1 Roseobacter litoralis Och 149
99 3607238 3607543 - NC_020888.1 Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1
100 2527392 2527697 + NZ_CP011078.1 Yersinia ruckeri
101 339766 340071 + NZ_CP061202.1 Rhodobacter capsulatus
102 3136733 3137038 - NZ_CP010650.1 Phaeobacter inhibens
103 305416 305721 + NZ_CP021047.1 Phaeobacter gallaeciensis
104 1667042 1667347 - NZ_CP034328.1 Tabrizicola piscis
105 1347442 1347747 + NZ_AP019755.1 Nitrosomonas stercoris
106 524181 524486 + NC_008340.1 Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii MLHE-1
107 1162514 1162819 + NZ_CP016268.1 Woeseia oceani
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP013742.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00831.25 0.96 103 1616 same-strand Ribosomal L29 protein
2 PF00366.22 0.98 105 1369 same-strand Ribosomal protein S17
3 PF00238.21 0.98 105 903 same-strand Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e
4 PF17136.6 0.99 106 570.0 same-strand Ribosomal proteins 50S L24/mitochondrial 39S L24
5 PF00673.23 0.99 106 14.0 same-strand ribosomal L5P family C-terminus
6 PF00281.21 0.99 106 14.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein L5
7 PF00410.21 0.99 106 24.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein S8
8 PF00347.25 0.99 106 435.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein L6
9 PF00861.24 0.96 103 982 same-strand Ribosomal L18 of archaea, bacteria, mitoch. and chloroplast
10 PF03719.17 0.99 106 1359.5 same-strand Ribosomal protein S5, C-terminal domain
11 PF00333.22 0.99 106 1359.5 same-strand Ribosomal protein S5, N-terminal domain
12 PF00327.22 0.93 99 1878 same-strand Ribosomal protein L30p/L7e
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