Result : Q4A5T5
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 50S ribosomal protein L31
NCBI Accession ID AE017245.1
Organism Mycoplasma synoviae (strain 53)
Left 556683
Right 556898
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Binds the 23S rRNA. {ECO:0000250}.
Pubmed ID 16077101
Domain CDD:412343
Functional Category Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID Q4A5T5
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 71
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 30
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 560008 560223 - NZ_CP029258.1 Mycoplasmopsis synoviae
2 792493 792702 - NZ_CP041664.1 Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis
3 330652 330861 + NZ_LR215024.1 Mycoplasmopsis glycophila
4 292413 292622 - NZ_LR214950.1 Mycoplasmopsis gallinacea
5 184377 184586 + NZ_LR215039.1 Mycoplasmopsis columboralis
6 101600 101809 - NZ_LR215036.1 Mycoplasmopsis citelli
7 723087 723296 - NZ_CP030141.1 Mycoplasmopsis anatis
8 565996 566205 + NZ_AP022325.1 Mycoplasmopsis felis
9 12086 12295 - NZ_LR215032.1 Mycoplasmopsis gallopavonis
10 417223 417453 - NZ_LR215043.1 Mycoplasmopsis columbinasalis
11 709375 709587 - NZ_CP005933.1 Mycoplasmopsis bovis CQ-W70
12 643048 643260 - NC_009497.1 Mycoplasmopsis agalactiae PG2
13 666117 666326 + NC_014014.1 Mycoplasma crocodyli MP145
14 238178 238387 + NZ_LS991951.1 Mycoplasmopsis edwardii
15 71685 71894 - NZ_CP011368.1 Mycoplasmopsis canis
16 557497 557721 - NZ_LR215042.1 Mycoplasmopsis meleagridis
17 375161 375400 + NC_014921.1 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans M64
18 840502 840711 + NZ_LR214972.1 Mycoplasmopsis bovirhinis
19 581137 581346 - NZ_LR214986.1 Mycoplasmopsis cynos
20 670783 670995 - NZ_LR214970.1 Mycoplasmopsis bovigenitalium
21 170200 170409 - NZ_CP040825.1 Mycoplasma nasistruthionis
22 798434 798646 + NZ_CP034841.1 Mycoplasmopsis phocirhinis
23 290269 290481 - NZ_LR215037.1 Mycoplasmopsis maculosa
24 195898 196125 + NZ_LR215041.1 Mycoplasmopsis columbina
25 521685 521897 - NZ_AP018940.1 Mycoplasmopsis californica
26 737646 737855 + NZ_LR214951.1 Mycoplasma neurolyticum
27 1829448 1829648 - NC_014935.1 Nitratifractor salsuginis DSM 16511
28 2209824 2210045 + NZ_AP018738.1 Ferriphaselus amnicola
29 501558 501764 + NC_013740.1 Acidaminococcus fermentans DSM 20731
30 2233108 2233317 + NC_008593.1 Clostridium novyi NT
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP029258.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00163.21 0.83 25 125 same-strand Ribosomal protein S4/S9 N-terminal domain
2 PF01479.27 0.83 25 125.0 same-strand S4 domain
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