Result : Q2SMN3
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Protein RnfH
NCBI Accession ID CP000155.1
Organism Hahella chejuensis (strain KCTC 2396)
Left 1229266
Right 1229556
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl28922. Profile Description: Beta-grasp ubiquitin-like fold. This domain is the binding/interacting region of several protein kinases, such as the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Byr2. Byr2 is a Ser/Thr-specific protein kinase acting as mediator of signals for sexual differentiation in S. pombe by initiating a MAPK module, which is a highly conserved element in eukaryotes. Byr2 is activated by interacting with Ras, which then translocates the molecule to the plasma membrane. Ras proteins are key elements in intracellular signaling and are involved in a variety of vital processes such as DNA transcription, growth control, and differentiation. They function like molecular switches cycling between GTP-bound 'on' and GDP-bound 'off' states.
Pubmed ID 16352867
Domain CDD:421700
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID Q2SMN3
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 96
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 89
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1229266 1229556 + NC_007645.1 Hahella chejuensis KCTC 2396
2 3242456 3242743 - NC_017506.1 Marinobacter adhaerens HP15
3 1671738 1672031 + NZ_CP021425.1 Oleiphilus messinensis
4 919222 919488 + NZ_CP020931.1 Marinobacter salarius
5 3884626 3884919 - NZ_CP043042.1 Marinobacter fonticola
6 3968190 3968465 - NZ_CP061941.1 Marinomonas algicola
7 3950399 3950671 + NZ_CP017715.1 Marinobacter salinus
8 3503580 3503861 - NZ_CP011494.1 Marinobacter psychrophilus
9 472802 473047 + NZ_CP043869.1 Neptunomonas concharum
10 609090 609362 + NZ_CP061081.1 Marinomonas arctica
11 584399 584668 + NC_015276.1 Marinomonas mediterranea MMB-1
12 2606996 2607274 + NZ_CP070273.1 Marinomonas foliarum
13 3076289 3076558 - NZ_CP031093.1 Hydrocarboniclastica marina
14 451789 452073 + NZ_CP054301.1 Marinomonas primoryensis
15 399535 399819 + NC_015559.1 Marinomonas posidonica IVIA-Po-181
16 3070394 3070636 - NZ_CP031415.1 Saccharospirillum mangrovi
17 550025 550270 + NZ_CP015839.1 Marinobacterium aestuarii
18 834637 834957 - NZ_CP019343.1 Oceanicoccus sagamiensis
19 2887221 2887517 - NC_020888.1 Thalassolituus oleivorans MIL-1
20 3774376 3774630 + NC_018868.3 Simiduia agarivorans SA1 = DSM 21679
21 343997 344269 + NZ_CP048602.1 Halomonas piezotolerans
22 2901565 2901807 - NZ_CP060084.1 Teredinibacter haidensis
23 558168 558413 - NZ_CP059082.1 Halomonas titanicae
24 338991 339230 + NZ_AP022843.1 Halomonas hydrothermalis
25 346862 347101 + NZ_CP065135.1 Halomonas venusta
26 1142621 1142941 - NZ_CP070505.1 Pseudomonas toyotomiensis
27 1409946 1410197 + NZ_CP048878.1 Spartinivicinus ruber
28 3467946 3468197 - NC_007912.1 Saccharophagus degradans 2-40
29 235159 235392 + NZ_CP013106.1 Halomonas huangheensis
30 3063714 3063980 + NZ_CP048711.1 Kineobactrum salinum
31 1965544 1965792 + NZ_CP060092.1 Teredinibacter purpureus
32 1098287 1098607 + NZ_CP013124.1 Pseudomonas mendocina S5.2
33 1368616 1368936 + NZ_CP060009.1 Pseudomonas sediminis
34 3168192 3168440 - NZ_CP011797.1 Reinekea forsetii
35 489127 489399 - NZ_CP045871.1 Litoricola lipolytica
36 4272742 4273062 - NZ_CP068551.1 Pseudomonas khazarica
37 2005257 2005523 + NZ_CP020038.1 Agarilytica rhodophyticola
38 700333 700623 + NZ_LR699114.1 Aquicella lusitana
39 3730444 3730758 - NZ_CP004387.1 Alcanivorax pacificus W11-5
40 4029154 4029402 - NC_010995.1 Cellvibrio japonicus Ueda107
41 335809 336051 + NC_008260.1 Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2
42 394295 394603 + NZ_AP014545.1 Amphritea japonica ATCC BAA-1530
43 513510 513761 + NZ_CP012371.1 Nitrosospira briensis C-128
44 923588 923860 + NZ_CP047241.1 Aquitalea denitrificans
45 1192288 1192620 - NC_007947.1 Methylobacillus flagellatus KT
46 1284395 1284661 + NZ_AP018725.1 Sulfuriflexus mobilis
47 772494 772736 - NZ_AP017372.2 Halorhodospira halochloris
48 3666964 3667248 - NZ_CP014226.1 Halomonas chromatireducens
49 4316335 4316577 - NZ_CP039731.1 Aquitalea aquatilis
50 1468652 1468954 + NC_009092.1 Shewanella loihica PV-4
51 3197425 3197658 - NZ_CP036422.1 Halioglobus maricola
52 891607 891885 - NZ_LR134365.1 Cardiobacterium hominis
53 3037457 3037690 + NZ_CP015137.1 Dickeya solani IPO 2222
54 1045222 1045488 - NC_012968.1 Methylotenera mobilis JLW8
55 2847341 2847604 - NZ_CP007029.1 Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ARh 1
56 1095069 1095326 + NZ_CP042382.1 Pistricoccus aurantiacus
57 4409890 4410144 - NZ_CP014782.1 Shewanella psychrophila
58 2866727 2866990 - NC_008700.1 Shewanella amazonensis SB2B
59 3268142 3268399 - NC_019902.2 Thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens DSM 14787
60 940876 941142 - NZ_CP036200.1 Shewanella maritima
61 5335392 5335712 - NZ_AP014862.1 Pseudomonas furukawaii
62 2797321 2797584 - NZ_CP069213.1 Shewanella litorisediminis
63 161646 161933 + NZ_CP021435.1 Halomonas beimenensis
64 1255742 1256047 - NC_002971.4 Coxiella burnetii RSA 493
65 1117130 1117426 + NZ_AP019312.1 Chromobacterium haemolyticum
66 1310625 1310930 - NC_012969.1 Methylovorus glucosetrophus SIP3-4
67 838793 839047 + NZ_CP014864.1 Microbulbifer thermotolerans
68 1671025 1671312 + NC_009831.1 Shewanella sediminis HAW-EB3
69 1897631 1897885 + NC_010506.1 Shewanella woodyi ATCC 51908
70 4304395 4304628 - NC_018691.1 Alcanivorax dieselolei B5
71 3951627 3951917 + NZ_CP038033.1 Nitrosococcus wardiae
72 897578 897823 - NC_013960.1 Nitrosococcus halophilus Nc 4
73 1892713 1892991 - NZ_AP021884.1 Sulfuriferula plumbiphila
74 1107320 1107574 + NZ_AP018724.1 Sulfurivermis fontis
75 1221454 1221771 - NZ_CP011412.1 Sedimenticola thiotaurini
76 2283983 2284267 + NC_016112.1 Methylotuvimicrobium alcaliphilum 20Z
77 2816168 2816488 - NZ_CP002580.1 Burkholderia plantarii
78 1303954 1304235 - NC_007484.1 Nitrosococcus oceani ATCC 19707
79 1139537 1139794 + NZ_AP021881.1 Sulfuriferula nivalis
80 1294747 1295007 + NC_008345.1 Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400
81 1659370 1659630 + NZ_CP034015.1 Shewanella livingstonensis
82 2264417 2264659 + NZ_CP059565.1 Neisseria wadsworthii
83 686991 687236 - NZ_CP031252.1 Neisseria elongata
84 2808852 2809124 + NC_002977.6 Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
85 1042718 1043038 + NC_011901.1 Thioalkalivibrio sulfidiphilus HL-EbGr7
86 913898 914212 - NZ_CP035900.1 Burkholderia glumae
87 1114862 1115173 - NZ_CP012373.2 Beggiatoa leptomitoformis
88 758458 758700 + NZ_CP007030.1 Thiomicrospira aerophila AL3
89 1876803 1877072 + NZ_AP017928.1 Methylocaldum marinum
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_007645.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF01668.20 0.94 84 1701.0 opposite-strand SmpB protein
2 PF03364.22 0.94 84 51.5 same-strand Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport
3 PF10604.11 0.91 81 50 same-strand Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport
4 PF04355.15 0.81 72 29.5 opposite-strand SmpA / OmlA family
5 PF01475.21 0.7 62 532.0 same-strand Ferric uptake regulator family
6 PF02463.21 0.66 59 1106.0 opposite-strand RecF/RecN/SMC N terminal domain
7 PF13476.8 0.62 55 1106 opposite-strand AAA domain
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