Result : Q1CTW4
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 30S ribosomal protein S21
NCBI Accession ID CP000241.1
Organism Helicobacter pylori (strain HPAG1)
Left 560810
Right 561022
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl00529. Profile Description: Ribosomal protein S21. 30S ribosomal protein S21; Reviewed
Pubmed ID 16788065
Domain CDD:412427
Functional Category Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID Q1CTW4
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 70
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 83
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 552227 552439 - NC_017379.1 Helicobacter pylori Puno135
2 677307 677519 - NC_008229.1 Helicobacter acinonychis str. Sheeba
3 294659 294871 + NC_017735.1 Helicobacter cetorum MIT 99-5656
4 745877 746089 - NZ_CP063087.1 Helicobacter winghamensis
5 665702 665914 + NZ_CP021886.1 Helicobacter apodemus
6 617366 617578 - NC_005090.1 Wolinella succinogenes DSM 1740
7 137047 137259 + NZ_CP053828.1 Campylobacter hyointestinalis subsp. lawsonii
8 3047602 3047814 + NZ_CP053836.1 Halarcobacter ebronensis
9 1507691 1507903 + NZ_CP015578.1 Campylobacter lanienae NCTC 13004
10 104678 104890 + NZ_CP059443.1 Campylobacter fetus
11 130727 130939 + NZ_CP010995.1 Campylobacter iguaniorum
12 1363358 1363570 - NZ_AP023212.1 Hydrogenimonas urashimensis
13 136717 136929 + NZ_CP017111.1 Sulfurospirillum halorespirans DSM 13726
14 139208 139420 + NZ_CP007201.1 Sulfurospirillum multivorans DSM 12446
15 231804 232016 - NZ_CP012541.1 Campylobacter concisus
16 2594779 2594991 + NZ_CP031217.1 Halarcobacter bivalviorum
17 2926115 2926327 + NZ_CP041070.1 Arcobacter anaerophilus
18 1616141 1616353 - NZ_CP020867.1 Campylobacter cuniculorum DSM 23162 = LMG 24588
19 375359 375571 + NC_014810.2 Helicobacter felis ATCC 49179
20 2807188 2807400 + NZ_CP031219.1 Malaciobacter mytili LMG 24559
21 339071 339283 + NC_002163.1 Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni NCTC 11168 = ATCC 700819
22 2737169 2737381 + NZ_CP032098.1 Malaciobacter molluscorum LMG 25693
23 2565053 2565265 + NZ_CP035928.1 Malaciobacter pacificus
24 2752949 2753161 + NZ_CP031218.1 Malaciobacter halophilus
25 2711363 2711575 + NZ_CP032097.1 Arcobacter ellisii
26 1434729 1434941 - NZ_CP007770.1 Campylobacter insulaenigrae NCTC 12927
27 1499565 1499777 - NZ_CP007774.1 Campylobacter volucris LMG 24379
28 1482304 1482516 + NZ_CP031611.1 Campylobacter hepaticus
29 1508107 1508319 - NC_012039.1 Campylobacter lari RM2100
30 897676 897888 - NZ_CP053849.1 Campylobacter upsaliensis RM3940
31 1621641 1621853 - NZ_CP053825.1 Campylobacter armoricus
32 1624254 1624466 - NZ_CP053848.1 Campylobacter ornithocola
33 619565 619777 - NZ_CP063079.1 Campylobacter peloridis
34 1047463 1047675 - NZ_CP020478.1 Campylobacter helveticus
35 1832124 1832336 - NZ_CP007773.1 Campylobacter subantarcticus LMG 24377
36 117006 117218 - NZ_CP053841.1 Campylobacter blaseri
37 149452 149664 + NZ_CP012544.1 Campylobacter showae
38 2396836 2397048 - NZ_CP012543.1 Campylobacter rectus
39 2645000 2645212 - NZ_AP014724.1 Sulfurospirillum cavolei
40 170904 171116 - NZ_CP053826.1 Campylobacter curvus
41 165249 165461 + NZ_CP019684.1 Campylobacter sputorum bv. paraureolyticus LMG 11764
42 3060186 3060398 + NZ_CP053840.1 Arcobacter venerupis
43 2913706 2913918 + NZ_CP053835.1 Arcobacter defluvii
44 139817 140029 + NZ_CP053831.1 Campylobacter mucosalis
45 93337 93549 - NZ_CP053837.1 Aliarcobacter faecis
46 478172 478384 - NZ_CP012196.1 Campylobacter gracilis
47 95929 96141 - NZ_CP031367.1 Aliarcobacter trophiarum LMG 25534
48 1905309 1905521 + NZ_CP032823.1 Aliarcobacter cryaerophilus ATCC 43158
49 2439726 2439938 - NZ_CP030944.1 Arcobacter aquimarinus
50 2541627 2541839 - NZ_CP053833.1 Arcobacter cloacae
51 2539295 2539507 + NZ_CP032100.1 Arcobacter suis CECT 7833
52 2918732 2918944 + NZ_CP042652.1 Pseudoarcobacter acticola
53 2779794 2780006 + NZ_CP042812.1 Malaciobacter canalis
54 2811513 2811725 + NZ_CP019070.1 Poseidonibacter parvus
55 2854155 2854367 + NZ_CP032101.1 Malaciobacter marinus
56 69496 69708 - NZ_CP036246.2 [Arcobacter] porcinus
57 61492 61704 - NZ_CP053842.1 Campylobacter corcagiensis
58 392572 392784 - NZ_CP054051.1 Aliarcobacter cibarius
59 1754995 1755207 + NZ_CP035946.1 Campylobacter canadensis
60 145476 145688 + NZ_CP032099.1 Aliarcobacter skirrowii CCUG 10374
61 2164932 2165144 + NC_017187.1 Aliarcobacter butzleri ED-1
62 304635 304847 + NZ_CP012547.1 Campylobacter pinnipediorum subsp. pinnipediorum
63 85315 85527 + NC_013512.1 Sulfurospirillum deleyianum DSM 6946
64 111732 111944 - NC_018002.1 Sulfurospirillum barnesii SES-3
65 17541 17753 - NC_014506.1 Sulfurimonas autotrophica DSM 16294
66 27313 27525 - NC_007575.1 Sulfurimonas denitrificans DSM 1251
67 19500 19712 - NZ_CP041406.1 Sulfurimonas paralvinellae
68 90422 90634 - NZ_AP022826.1 Nitrosophilus labii
69 145680 145892 - NZ_AP022826.1 Nitrosophilus labii
70 59017 59229 - NZ_AP022847.1 Nitrosophilus alvini
71 106072 106284 - NZ_AP022847.1 Nitrosophilus alvini
72 1312697 1312909 + NZ_LS483446.1 Helicobacter mustelae
73 1619812 1620024 + NZ_CP014991.1 Helicobacter himalayensis
74 753513 753725 - NC_004917.1 Helicobacter hepaticus ATCC 51449
75 76618 76830 - NC_014762.1 Sulfuricurvum kujiense DSM 16994
76 319845 320057 + NZ_LN907858.1 Helicobacter typhlonius
77 1735545 1735757 - NZ_AP018676.1 Helicobacter cinaedi
78 1379774 1379986 - NZ_CP022347.1 Campylobacter avium LMG 24591
79 3080336 3080548 + NC_014166.1 Arcobacter nitrofigilis DSM 7299
80 229298 229510 - NC_014935.1 Nitratifractor salsuginis DSM 16511
81 285810 286022 - NZ_CP027432.2 Caminibacter pacificus
82 218984 219196 - NC_012115.1 Nautilia profundicola AmH
83 1648360 1648572 + NZ_CP040463.1 Caminibacter mediatlanticus TB-2
84 269004 269216 - NZ_CP011308.1 Sulfurovum lithotrophicum
85 2028533 2028745 + NZ_CP063164.1 Sulfurovum indicum
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