Result : Q0ANQ8
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 50S ribosomal protein L29
NCBI Accession ID CP000449.1
Organism Maricaulis maris (strain MCS10)
Left 1941159
Right 1941365
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl09943. Profile Description: N/A. This family represents the N-terminal region (approximately 8 residues) of the eukaryotic mitochondrial 39-S ribosomal protein L47 (MRP-L47). Mitochondrial ribosomal proteins (MRPs) are the counterparts of the cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins, in that they fulfil similar functions in protein biosynthesis. However, they are distinct in number, features and primary structure.
Pubmed ID
Domain CDD:415815
Functional Category Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID Q0ANQ8
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 68
++ More..
Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 332
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1314261 1314464 - NZ_CP071057.1 Marinicauda algicola
2 2876695 2876901 - NC_009937.1 Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS 571
3 903490 903693 + NZ_CP018911.1 Glycocaulis alkaliphilus
4 924572 924778 + NZ_CP029353.1 Azospirillum thermophilum
5 2692696 2692896 - NZ_LT960614.1 Hartmannibacter diazotrophicus
6 1898935 1899156 + NC_014414.1 Parvularcula bermudensis HTCC2503
7 4394329 4394526 + NZ_CP021112.1 Pseudorhodoplanes sinuspersici
8 4254429 4254629 - NZ_CP020330.1 Martelella mediterranea DSM 17316
9 2475995 2476201 - NZ_CP054619.1 Azospirillum oryzae
10 359058 359264 + NZ_CP029829.1 Azospirillum ramasamyi
11 3103463 3103669 - NC_017584.1 Rhodospirillum rubrum F11
12 312771 312977 - NZ_CP012401.1 Azospirillum thiophilum
13 3659987 3660187 - NZ_AP014946.1 Variibacter gotjawalensis
14 2000723 2000896 - NZ_CP022110.1 Nitrospirillum amazonense CBAmc
15 4287145 4287345 - NZ_CP010803.1 Martelella endophytica
16 1512220 1512411 + NC_017059.1 Pararhodospirillum photometricum DSM 122
17 3563776 3563976 - NZ_CP058907.1 Rhodopseudomonas palustris
18 1454312 1454509 - NZ_CP054836.1 Oricola thermophila
19 1245874 1246077 + NZ_CP030265.1 Skermanella pratensis
20 3617834 3618034 + NZ_CP071454.1 Rhizobium lentis
21 2550717 2550920 + NZ_CP032509.1 Georhizobium profundi
22 1737518 1737718 + NZ_CP020906.1 Rhizobium etli
23 1785827 1786027 + NZ_CP013500.1 Rhizobium esperanzae
24 1786816 1787016 + NZ_CP071604.1 Rhizobium binae
25 1781814 1782014 + NZ_CP013532.1 Rhizobium phaseoli
26 400549 400755 + NZ_CP030126.1 Indioceanicola profundi
27 3933340 3933534 + NZ_CP046052.1 Methylocystis heyeri
28 2378718 2378918 - NZ_AP014648.1 Methyloceanibacter caenitepidi
29 1512035 1512241 + NZ_CP012946.1 Blastochloris viridis
30 2018755 2018955 + NZ_CP071678.1 Rhizobium ruizarguesonis
31 1132756 1132950 + NZ_CP029479.1 Phenylobacterium parvum
32 1525667 1525867 + NC_020059.1 Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899
33 1930469 1930669 - NZ_CP059896.1 Ciceribacter thiooxidans
34 3307349 3307549 - NZ_CP018171.1 Mesorhizobium oceanicum
35 2004283 2004459 + NZ_CP044331.1 Methylocystis parvus
36 1784304 1784504 + NZ_CP032694.1 Rhizobium jaguaris
37 1741313 1741513 + NZ_CP071612.1 Rhizobium bangladeshense
38 2951403 2951609 + NC_009719.1 Parvibaculum lavamentivorans DS-1
39 48776 48985 + NC_023065.1 Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense MSR-1 v2
40 1924873 1925073 - NZ_CP017940.1 Phyllobacterium zundukense
41 1150605 1150805 + NZ_CP023067.1 Ensifer sojae CCBAU 05684
42 1106031 1106231 + NZ_CP034909.1 Ensifer alkalisoli
43 1912169 1912375 - NZ_AP018907.1 Blastochloris tepida
44 1483379 1483579 + NC_020528.1 Sinorhizobium meliloti 2011
45 2216890 2217096 - NC_012982.1 Hirschia baltica ATCC 49814
46 1015649 1015849 - NZ_CP046908.1 Stappia indica
47 108396 108572 - NZ_CP048630.1 Ancylobacter pratisalsi
48 1753348 1753548 + NZ_CP053086.1 Pelagibacterium halotolerans
49 1521457 1521666 + NC_014217.1 Starkeya novella DSM 506
50 1504223 1504423 + NZ_CP013107.1 Sinorhizobium americanum
51 1167534 1167734 + NZ_CP015880.1 Ensifer adhaerens
52 1290810 1291010 + NZ_CP029451.1 Sinorhizobium fredii CCBAU 25509
53 4056826 4057023 - NZ_CP029426.1 Bradyrhizobium amphicarpaeae
54 2993201 2993398 + NC_017082.1 Bradyrhizobium cosmicum
55 1430678 1430878 - NZ_CP064063.1 Brucella anthropi
56 2629323 2629523 - NZ_CP054027.1 Rhizobium hidalgonense
57 1352245 1352445 + NZ_CP034998.1 Rhizobium acidisoli
58 782158 782358 - NZ_CP054021.1 Rhizobium indicum
59 1845327 1845527 + NC_015259.1 Polymorphum gilvum SL003B-26A1
60 1536143 1536343 + NZ_LR723670.1 Pseudorhizobium flavum
61 1446033 1446233 + NZ_FO082820.1 Pseudorhizobium banfieldiae
62 5157694 5157891 + NZ_CP050066.1 Bradyrhizobium symbiodeficiens
63 1880716 1880907 + NZ_CP024201.1 Caulobacter mirabilis
64 6126853 6127050 + NZ_CP044543.1 Bradyrhizobium betae
65 2093029 2093226 + NZ_CP042582.1 Hypericibacter adhaerens
66 1194749 1194949 - NC_010103.1 Brucella canis ATCC 23365
67 1195860 1196060 - NC_004310.3 Brucella suis 1330
68 1201648 1201848 - NC_009505.1 Brucella ovis ATCC 25840
69 1202175 1202375 - NC_013119.1 Brucella microti CCM 4915
70 791956 792156 + NC_003317.1 Brucella melitensis bv. 1 str. 16M
71 791946 792146 + NC_022905.1 Brucella ceti TE10759-12
72 1211118 1211318 - NC_007618.1 Brucella abortus 2308
73 1510721 1510921 + NZ_LT605585.1 Brucella inopinata
74 1479849 1480049 - NC_012846.1 Bartonella grahamii as4aup
75 2018883 2019062 + NC_011894.1 Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060
76 2465304 2465480 - NZ_CP045423.1 Microvirga thermotolerans
77 2636892 2637092 + NZ_CP072611.1 Aureimonas populi
78 247651 247848 - NZ_CP022048.2 Brevundimonas vesicularis
79 3253548 3253751 + NC_014664.1 Rhodomicrobium vannielii ATCC 17100
80 1536994 1537194 + NZ_CP041238.1 Ensifer mexicanus
81 1295844 1296044 - NZ_CP022604.1 [Ochrobactrum] quorumnocens
82 1377659 1377856 - NZ_CP029544.1 Lactobacillus helsingborgensis
83 1466931 1467128 - NZ_CP029477.1 Lactobacillus kullabergensis
84 2016009 2016200 + NZ_CP061205.1 Kordiimonas pumila
85 4097249 4097464 - NZ_CP029553.1 Methylobacterium terrae
86 5134401 5134598 - NC_020453.1 Bradyrhizobium oligotrophicum S58
87 213929 214129 + NC_002678.2 Mesorhizobium japonicum MAFF 303099
88 1081875 1082075 - NZ_LR134527.1 Bartonella elizabethae
89 1492712 1492909 + NC_014375.1 Brevundimonas subvibrioides ATCC 15264
90 3193230 3193430 - NZ_CP015064.1 Mesorhizobium ciceri biovar biserrulae
91 4210833 4211033 - NZ_CP015318.1 Mesorhizobium amorphae CCNWGS0123
92 3595514 3595711 + NZ_CP016428.1 Bradyrhizobium icense
93 4740215 4740415 - NC_015675.1 Mesorhizobium opportunistum WSM2075
94 6050121 6050321 + NZ_CP050296.1 Mesorhizobium huakuii
95 4143040 4143240 - NZ_CP033361.1 Mesorhizobium erdmanii
96 4781534 4781734 - NZ_CP033507.1 Mesorhizobium jarvisii
97 3010213 3010410 + NZ_CP042968.1 Bradyrhizobium paxllaeri
98 4305691 4305891 - NC_019973.1 Mesorhizobium australicum WSM2073
99 2360154 2360369 + NC_010505.1 Methylobacterium radiotolerans JCM 2831
100 5603061 5603258 - NZ_CP043538.1 Methylobacterium mesophilicum SR1.6/6
101 1281334 1281534 - NZ_LR134529.1 Bartonella vinsonii
102 975014 975214 - NC_020300.1 Bartonella australis Aust/NH1
103 4717165 4717362 - NZ_CP030051.1 Bradyrhizobium guangdongense
104 3244763 3244969 - NZ_CP065915.1 Pelagovum pacificum
105 1602794 1602994 - NC_010161.1 Bartonella tribocorum CIP 105476
106 980087 980296 + NZ_CP040517.1 Luteithermobacter gelatinilyticus
107 3262894 3263100 + NZ_CP025611.1 Niveispirillum cyanobacteriorum
108 1307783 1307983 + NZ_CP024199.1 Thalassospira marina
109 1195083 1195283 - NZ_CP031844.2 Bartonella krasnovii
110 832700 832900 + NZ_CP031843.2 Bartonella kosoyi
111 1025608 1025808 - NC_014932.1 Bartonella clarridgeiae 73
112 689833 690033 + NC_008783.1 Bartonella bacilliformis KC583
113 715989 716189 + NC_008783.1 Bartonella bacilliformis KC583
114 1903504 1903704 + NZ_CP031555.1 Thalassospira indica
115 1271017 1271217 + NZ_HG938353.1 Neorhizobium galegae bv. orientalis str. HAMBI 540
116 3966912 3967109 - NZ_CP022219.1 Bradyrhizobium guangxiense
117 3427076 3427273 + NZ_LS398110.1 Bradyrhizobium vignae
118 5867613 5867810 - NZ_CP032617.1 Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens
119 5590085 5590282 - NZ_CP058354.1 Bradyrhizobium japonicum
120 4198199 4198396 + NZ_CP022221.1 Bradyrhizobium zhanjiangense
121 6281486 6281683 - NZ_CP030050.1 Bradyrhizobium arachidis
122 5723151 5723348 + NZ_CP029425.1 Bradyrhizobium ottawaense
123 2743071 2743265 - NZ_CP041690.1 Youhaiella tibetensis
124 3533319 3533513 + NZ_CP068983.1 Paradevosia shaoguanensis
125 650309 650494 + NZ_CP003182.2 Granulibacter bethesdensis CGDNIH4
126 3027263 3027460 + NZ_CP030053.1 Bradyrhizobium guangzhouense
127 337983 338183 + NZ_CP061202.1 Rhodobacter capsulatus
128 1586406 1586606 + NZ_CP006877.1 Rhizobium gallicum bv. gallicum R602sp
129 1668908 1669108 - NZ_CP034328.1 Tabrizicola piscis
130 2048862 2049059 - NZ_LR588407.1 Brevundimonas vancanneytii
131 2868068 2868268 - NZ_CP049250.1 Rhizobium rhizoryzae
132 415662 415856 + NZ_CP011391.1 Faecalibaculum rodentium
133 1137129 1137329 - NZ_HG965802.1 Bartonella henselae
134 941205 941411 + NZ_CP067016.1 Anaerococcus obesiensis
135 325904 326110 + NZ_CP066014.1 Anaerococcus vaginalis
136 1436077 1436268 + NC_011916.1 Caulobacter vibrioides NA1000
137 394355 394552 + NZ_CP044496.1 Lactobacillus acetotolerans
138 570830 571030 + NZ_AP019773.1 Bartonella quintana
139 1710956 1711162 + NZ_CP036532.1 Roseitalea porphyridii
140 381173 381373 - NZ_CP040818.1 Paraoceanicella profunda
141 2898191 2898394 - NC_017956.1 Tistrella mobilis KA081020-065
142 1606095 1606286 + NZ_CP027850.1 Caulobacter segnis
143 1535010 1535210 - NZ_CP053856.1 Rhizobium pusense
144 342289 342486 + NZ_CP059276.1 Lactobacillus taiwanensis
145 337584 337781 + NC_008530.1 Lactobacillus gasseri ATCC 33323 = JCM 1131
146 340531 340728 + NZ_AP018549.1 Lactobacillus paragasseri
147 1546433 1546630 - NZ_CP015444.1 Lactobacillus helveticus
148 1277853 1278050 - NZ_CP029476.1 Lactobacillus apis
149 1303073 1303276 + NC_007794.1 Novosphingobium aromaticivorans DSM 12444
150 3261328 3261528 - NZ_CP049241.1 Rhizobium pseudoryzae
151 644521 644742 - NC_004572.3 Tropheryma whipplei str. Twist
152 72410 72610 + NZ_CP048632.1 Rhizobium oryzihabitans
153 923787 923987 + NZ_CP010401.1 Bartonella ancashensis
154 1627079 1627279 - NZ_CP061003.1 Agrobacterium tumefaciens
155 1504537 1504734 + NC_007406.1 Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nb-255
156 1804501 1804698 + NZ_CP021330.1 Maritalea myrionectae
157 1325086 1325289 + NZ_CP019044.1 Salaquimonas pukyongi
158 1086150 1086368 - NZ_CP053923.1 Defluviicoccus vanus
159 1307762 1307962 + NZ_CP004388.1 Thalassospira xiamenensis M-5 = DSM 17429
160 913663 913860 + NZ_AP019700.1 Stella humosa
161 4311493 4311696 - NZ_CP006644.1 Sphingomonas sanxanigenens DSM 19645 = NX02
162 1156381 1156572 - NZ_CP039964.1 Pseudorhodobacter turbinis
163 295175 295372 + NC_021181.2 Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14
164 358394 358591 + NZ_CP061341.1 Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens
165 398170 398367 + NZ_CP059829.1 Lactobacillus ultunensis
166 406392 406589 + NZ_CP018809.1 Lactobacillus jensenii
167 290274 290480 + NC_009952.1 Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12 = DSM 16493
168 3451478 3451681 - NZ_CP010836.1 Sphingomonas hengshuiensis
169 1319297 1319482 + NZ_CP016591.1 Tsuneonella dongtanensis
170 2811262 2811465 + NZ_CP061498.1 Roseicitreum antarcticum
171 947827 948030 + NZ_CP024899.1 Rhodobaca barguzinensis
172 3196920 3197099 + NZ_CP009291.1 Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1
173 2187796 2188002 - NZ_CP019937.1 Ketogulonicigenium robustum
174 1005022 1005216 + NC_014816.1 Asticcacaulis excentricus CB 48
175 2551261 2551467 - NZ_CP003984.1 Planktomarina temperata RCA23
176 1797435 1797641 - NZ_CP045072.1 Paracoccus kondratievae
177 7035917 7036114 - NZ_CP039690.1 Phreatobacter stygius
178 644141 644347 - NZ_CP024422.1 Paracoccus yeei
179 2065916 2066122 - NZ_CP025430.1 Paracoccus zhejiangensis
180 162369 162572 + NZ_CP042261.1 Qingshengfaniella alkalisoli
181 3702228 3702428 - NZ_CP019437.1 Thioclava nitratireducens
182 1121541 1121747 - NZ_CP030239.1 Paracoccus mutanolyticus
183 57110 57301 - NZ_CP060244.1 Entomobacter blattae
184 72365 72571 + NZ_CP011452.2 Croceibacterium atlanticum
185 3832094 3832294 - NZ_CP053562.1 Thioclava electrotropha
186 1536743 1536952 + NZ_CP004372.1 Roseibacterium elongatum DSM 19469
187 274306 274503 + NZ_CP031835.1 Lactobacillus amylolyticus
188 1152387 1152614 + NZ_CP053708.1 Lichenicola cladoniae
189 625377 625553 - NC_011666.1 Methylocella silvestris BL2
190 3372357 3372560 - NC_007626.1 Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1
191 467561 467761 + NZ_CP010855.1 Marinovum algicola DG 898
192 3562663 3562863 - NZ_CP041636.1 Ferrovibrio terrae
193 3215638 3215811 - NZ_CP025086.1 Methylovirgula ligni
194 2634665 2634898 + NZ_LR214441.1 Tessaracoccus lapidicaptus
195 1122741 1122929 - NZ_CP022889.1 Tsuneonella mangrovi
196 924963 925166 + NZ_CP034348.1 Roseovarius faecimaris
197 1424040 1424234 + NC_011144.1 Phenylobacterium zucineum HLK1
198 257955 258164 + NZ_CP012160.1 Octadecabacter temperatus
199 4080426 4080635 - NZ_CP034588.1 Silicimonas algicola
200 354918 355115 + NZ_AP019750.1 Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. delbrueckii
201 2408481 2408687 - NC_015186.1 Acidiphilium multivorum AIU301
202 1889593 1889826 - NZ_CP019606.1 Tessaracoccus aquimaris
203 326646 326843 + NZ_CP018799.1 Mariprofundus aestuarium
204 1154855 1155076 + NC_013523.1 Sphaerobacter thermophilus DSM 20745
205 496675 496875 + NC_003911.12 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3
206 1267216 1267425 + NZ_CP017057.1 Erythrobacter litoralis
207 1324097 1324300 + NZ_CP016545.1 Paraurantiacibacter namhicola
208 1762369 1762572 + NZ_CP022745.1 Sphingobium xenophagum
209 182435 182614 - NZ_CP014525.1 Haematospirillum jordaniae
210 616379 616612 - NZ_CP019607.1 Tessaracoccus flavescens
211 4886197 4886385 - NZ_CP014168.1 Sphingomonas panacis
212 358757 358990 - NZ_CP032485.1 Neokomagataea tanensis
213 3278513 3278716 - NZ_CP041025.1 Paremcibacter congregatus
214 3194559 3194756 - NZ_CP042906.1 Hypericibacter terrae
215 2270539 2270745 - NZ_CP053921.1 Erythrobacter mangrovi
216 1374865 1375059 - NZ_CP042304.1 Devosia ginsengisoli
217 2974425 2974631 - NZ_CP021404.1 Pacificitalea manganoxidans
218 579383 579610 + NZ_CP013290.1 Janibacter indicus
219 3078565 3078765 - NZ_CP042345.1 Novosphingobium ginsenosidimutans
220 413766 413999 + NZ_CP060789.1 Tessaracoccus defluvii
221 209850 210053 - NZ_CP034179.1 Caenibius tardaugens NBRC 16725
222 4888301 4888504 + NZ_CP009429.1 Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida
223 2592892 2593095 - NZ_CP009571.1 Sphingomonas taxi
224 2401899 2402093 - NC_014334.2 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei
225 1122614 1122823 + NZ_CP053015.1 Sphingomonas lacunae
226 2979100 2979300 + NZ_CP038012.1 Sporosarcina pasteurii
227 4415858 4416061 + NZ_CP009122.1 Sphingopyxis fribergensis
228 532701 532910 + NZ_CP011805.1 Pelagerythrobacter marensis
229 345945 346151 - NZ_CP070511.1 Parageobacillus toebii
230 132214 132414 + NC_006510.1 Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426
231 2825866 2826066 + NZ_CP061470.1 Geobacillus zalihae
232 140921 141121 - NZ_CP018058.1 Geobacillus thermocatenulatus
233 2263947 2264147 - NZ_CP061472.1 Geobacillus thermoleovorans
234 479266 479472 - NZ_CP016622.1 Parageobacillus thermoglucosidasius
235 1463258 1463470 + NZ_CP011310.1 Aurantiacibacter atlanticus
236 231374 231580 - NZ_CP024920.1 Qipengyuania seohaensis
237 2247123 2247320 + NZ_AP018449.1 Methylomusa anaerophila
238 1491931 1492122 - NZ_CP012669.1 Altererythrobacter epoxidivorans
239 2422539 2422748 - NZ_CP031357.1 Erythrobacter aureus
240 2443035 2443229 - NZ_AP012544.1 Lacticaseibacillus casei DSM 20011 = JCM 1134 = ATCC 393
241 2442974 2443168 - NZ_LS991421.1 Lacticaseibacillus zeae
242 1944290 1944487 - NZ_CP018800.1 Mariprofundus ferrinatatus
243 131256 131462 + NZ_CP032125.1 Profundibacter amoris
244 218227 218427 + NZ_CP015230.1 Epibacterium mobile F1926
245 224366 224563 + NC_010718.1 Natranaerobius thermophilus JW/NM-WN-LF
246 3096340 3096540 - NZ_CP014342.1 Geobacillus subterraneus
247 426031 426225 - NZ_CP018888.1 Amylolactobacillus amylophilus DSM 20533 = JCM 1125
248 463749 463982 - NZ_CP068419.1 Gluconobacter sphaericus
249 244239 244451 + NZ_CP048103.1 Kroppenstedtia eburnea
250 448459 448653 + NZ_CP012559.1 Companilactobacillus heilongjiangensis
251 2968305 2968508 - NC_008048.1 Sphingopyxis alaskensis RB2256
252 434691 434891 + NZ_CP017560.1 Sporosarcina ureilytica
253 2574412 2574612 - NZ_CP011361.2 Salimicrobium jeotgali
254 1954950 1955183 - NZ_CP014689.1 Gluconobacter albidus
255 1446172 1446372 - NZ_CP012023.1 Celeribacter marinus
256 776751 776957 + NZ_CP054599.1 Sulfitobacter pseudonitzschiae
257 89677 89886 - NZ_CP020083.1 Blastomonas fulva
258 2313185 2313352 - NZ_CP051774.1 Luteolibacter luteus
259 4130937 4131137 - NZ_CP031223.1 Psychrobacillus glaciei
260 141770 141970 + NZ_CP042593.1 Bacillus dafuensis
261 1752290 1752490 - NZ_CP041305.1 Cytobacillus ciccensis
262 2399865 2400068 - NZ_CP060052.1 Croceicoccus marinus
263 2597758 2597964 - NZ_CP012908.1 Ketogulonicigenium vulgare
264 1820523 1820750 - NZ_CP060782.1 Sphingomonas sediminicola
265 190498 190683 - NZ_CP046314.1 Gemella morbillorum
266 1758715 1758900 - NZ_LR134484.1 Gemella haemolysans
267 1382318 1382524 + NZ_CP015963.1 Altererythrobacter ishigakiensis
268 647916 648113 - NZ_CP048877.1 Thermosulfuriphilus ammonigenes
269 401601 401801 + NZ_CP016364.1 Phaeobacter porticola
270 3058325 3058537 + NZ_CP051131.1 Parasphingopyxis algicola
271 483390 483560 - NZ_CP060780.1 Sphingomonas daechungensis
272 1665065 1665256 + NZ_CP041694.1 Cellulosimicrobium cellulans
273 1183056 1183268 - NZ_CP045434.1 Sphingomonas ginsengisoli An et al. 2013
274 150875 151075 + NZ_CP009416.1 Jeotgalibacillus malaysiensis
275 1496487 1496690 - NC_009511.1 Sphingomonas wittichii RW1
276 628026 628220 + NZ_CP044499.1 Lapidilactobacillus dextrinicus
277 1673696 1673899 + NZ_CP023449.1 Rhizorhabdus dicambivorans
278 1534906 1535139 - NZ_CP042429.1 Corynebacterium nuruki S6-4
279 1152831 1153040 + NZ_CP029176.1 Acidibrevibacterium fodinaquatile
280 1400925 1401152 + NZ_AP022618.1 Mycolicibacterium insubricum
281 3093983 3094171 - NZ_CP061038.1 Sphingomonas alpina
282 522733 522936 + NC_006526.2 Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis ZM4 = ATCC 31821
283 2152563 2152751 - NZ_CP012047.1 Tetragenococcus halophilus
284 239759 239947 + NZ_LS483306.1 Enterococcus cecorum
285 66514 66702 + NC_020207.1 Enterococcus faecium ATCC 8459 = NRRL B-2354
286 71014 71202 + NZ_CP023074.1 Enterococcus thailandicus
287 73621 73809 + NZ_CP065211.1 Enterococcus lactis
288 2430066 2430254 - NZ_AP022822.1 Enterococcus saigonensis
289 586054 586242 - NZ_CP023011.2 Enterococcus hirae
290 3161873 3162061 + NZ_CP018061.1 Enterococcus mundtii
291 257222 257410 + NC_020995.1 Enterococcus casseliflavus EC20
292 2392846 2393040 - NZ_CP059603.1 Levilactobacillus suantsaii
293 1617034 1617216 + NZ_LN831039.1 Mycolicibacterium smegmatis
294 6771297 6771479 - NZ_CP012150.1 Mycobacterium goodii
295 223371 223565 + NZ_CP045007.1 Latilactobacillus graminis
296 1350349 1350543 - NZ_CP026116.1 Latilactobacillus curvatus JCM 1096 = DSM 20019
297 603816 604010 - NZ_CP046037.1 Latilactobacillus sakei
298 2099865 2100062 + NZ_CP014912.1 Secundilactobacillus paracollinoides
299 3393952 3394146 - NZ_AP014936.1 Sulfurifustis variabilis
300 3074540 3074752 - NZ_CP048104.1 Kroppenstedtia pulmonis
301 1280168 1280362 - NZ_CP037940.1 Weissella cryptocerci
302 4056954 4057133 - NZ_CP019066.1 Tsukamurella tyrosinosolvens
303 204585 204776 + NZ_CP060720.1 Vagococcus carniphilus
304 3516973 3517152 - NC_014158.1 Tsukamurella paurometabola DSM 20162
305 3263218 3263394 + NZ_CP019948.1 Methylocystis bryophila
306 742501 742698 + NZ_CP017713.1 Loigolactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis KCTC 3167 = DSM 20001
307 2251698 2251931 - NC_021663.1 Corynebacterium terpenotabidum Y-11
308 1158097 1158291 + NZ_CP027783.1 Tetragenococcus osmophilus
309 2121222 2121413 - NZ_CP017267.1 Vagococcus teuberi
310 396321 396509 - NZ_CP049886.1 Vagococcus coleopterorum
311 367610 367807 + NZ_CP026948.1 Corynebacterium liangguodongii
312 1326071 1326247 - NZ_CP013213.1 Erysipelothrix larvae
313 2302305 2302496 - NZ_LT906453.1 Dermatophilus congolensis
314 2170856 2171062 - NZ_CP060436.1 Pseudooceanicola algae
315 4405142 4405324 + NZ_AP022567.1 Mycolicibacterium mageritense
316 195242 195436 - NZ_CP029971.1 Lentilactobacillus kefiri
317 1792132 1792326 + NZ_CP018796.1 Lentilactobacillus parabuchneri
318 341536 341766 + NZ_CP011312.1 Corynebacterium kutscheri
319 2234157 2234390 - NC_015673.1 Corynebacterium resistens DSM 45100
320 363532 363762 + NZ_CP011311.1 Corynebacterium camporealensis
321 474849 475079 + NZ_LT906467.1 Corynebacterium imitans
322 1242603 1242806 + NZ_CP060715.1 Erysipelothrix inopinata
323 3992142 3992375 - NZ_AP024310.1 Mycobacterium heckeshornense
324 5234012 5234194 + NZ_AP022620.1 Mycolicibacterium anyangense
325 630983 631219 + NC_014165.1 Thermobispora bispora DSM 43833
326 1989801 1990037 + NZ_AP023172.1 Rhodococcus qingshengii
327 523802 524002 + NZ_CP010522.1 Liberibacter crescens
328 3632450 3632680 - NZ_CP024633.1 Mycobacteroides salmoniphilum
329 2864598 2864822 - NZ_CP011502.1 Aeromicrobium erythreum
330 3926869 3927099 - NZ_AP018165.1 [Mycobacterium] stephanolepidis
331 947627 947863 + NZ_CP045572.1 Nonomuraea nitratireducens
332 421971 422204 + NZ_CP008944.1 Corynebacterium atypicum
333 1823437 1823628 + NZ_CP040863.1 Rodentibacter heylii
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP071057.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00253.23 0.88 293 1626 same-strand Ribosomal protein S14p/S29e
2 PF00673.23 0.92 307 1024 same-strand ribosomal L5P family C-terminus
3 PF00281.21 0.93 308 1024 same-strand Ribosomal protein L5
4 PF17136.6 0.87 290 715 same-strand Ribosomal proteins 50S L24/mitochondrial 39S L24
5 PF00467.31 0.85 282 714 same-strand KOW motif
6 PF00238.21 0.94 311 336.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein L14p/L23e
7 PF00366.22 1.0 332 13 same-strand Ribosomal protein S17
8 PF00252.20 0.98 327 12.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein L16p/L10e
9 PF00189.22 0.98 324 456 same-strand Ribosomal protein S3, C-terminal domain
10 PF07650.19 0.98 324 456 same-strand KH domain
11 PF00237.21 0.97 321 1175.0 same-strand Ribosomal protein L22p/L17e
12 PF00203.23 0.95 316 1566 same-strand Ribosomal protein S19
13 PF03947.20 0.94 311 1859.0 same-strand Ribosomal Proteins L2, C-terminal domain
14 PF00181.25 0.93 310 1859 same-strand Ribosomal Proteins L2, RNA binding domain
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