Result : P96131
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 50S ribosomal protein L28
NCBI Accession ID U70868.1
Organism Treponema pallidum (strain Nichols)
Left 34
Right 270
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl00367. Profile Description: Ribosomal L28 family. This model describes bacterial and chloroplast forms of the 50S ribosomal protein L28, a polypeptide about 60 amino acids in length. Mitochondrial homologs differ substantially in architecture (e.g. SP|P36525 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is 258 amino acids long) and are not included. [Protein synthesis, Ribosomal proteins: synthesis and modification]
Pubmed ID 9665876
Domain CDD:412338
Functional Category Ribosomal_protein
Uniprot ID P96131
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 78
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 4
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 380655 380891 + NC_015714.1 Treponema paraluiscuniculi Cuniculi A
2 2693790 2693981 - NC_022097.1 Treponema pedis str. T A4
3 1017964 1018155 - NC_002967.9 Treponema denticola ATCC 35405
4 418367 418558 + NZ_CP009228.1 Treponema putidum
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_002967.9
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF02463.21 0.75 3 3305.0 opposite-strand RecF/RecN/SMC N terminal domain
2 PF00005.29 0.75 3 3415 opposite-strand ABC transporter
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