Result : P45956
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name CRISPR-associated endoribonuclease Cas2 (EC 3.1.-.-)
NCBI Accession ID U29579.1
Organism Escherichia coli (strain K12)
Left 50872
Right 51156
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat), is an adaptive immune system that provides protection against mobile genetic elements (viruses, transposable elements and conjugative plasmids) (Pubmed:21255106, Pubmed:24920831, Pubmed:24793649). CRISPR clusters contain sequences complementary to antecedent mobile elements and target invading nucleic acids. CRISPR clusters are transcribed and processed into CRISPR RNA (crRNA). The Cas1-Cas2 complex is involved in CRISPR adaptation, the first stage of CRISPR immunity, being required for the addition/removal of CRISPR spacers at the leader end of the CRISPR locus (Pubmed:24920831, Pubmed:25707795, Pubmed:24793649). The Cas1-Cas2 complex introduces staggered nicks into both strands of the CRISPR array near the leader repeat and joins the 5'-ends of the repeat strands with the 3'-ends of the new spacer sequence (Pubmed:24920831). Spacer DNA integration requires supercoiled target DNA and 3'-OH ends on the inserted (spacer) DNA and probably initiates with a nucleophilic attack of the C 3'-OH end of the protospacer on the minus strand of the first repeat sequence (Pubmed:25707795). Expression of Cas1-Cas2 in a strain lacking both genes permits spacer acquisition (Pubmed:24793649, Pubmed:24920831). Cas2 not seen to bind DNA alone; the Cas1-Cas2 complex preferentially binds CRISPR-locus DNA (Pubmed:24793649). Highest binding is seen to a dual forked DNA complex with 3'-overhangs and a protospacer-adjacent motif-complement specifically positioned (Pubmed:26478180). The protospacer DNA lies across a flat surface extending from 1 Cas1 dimer, across the Cas2 dimer and contacting the other Cas1 dimer; the 23 bp-long ds section of the DNA is bracketed by 1 Tyr-22 from each of the Cas1 dimers (Pubmed:26478180, Pubmed:26503043). Cas1 cuts within the 3'-overhang, to generate a 33-nucleotide DNA that is probably incorporated into the CRISPR leader by a cut-and-paste mechanism (Pubmed:26478180). This subunit's probable nuclease activity is not required for spacer acquisition (Pubmed:24793649). {ECO:0000269|Pubmed:21255106, ECO:0000269|Pubmed:24793649, ECO:0000269|Pubmed:24920831, ECO:0000269|Pubmed:26478180}.
Pubmed ID 2656660 9278503 16738553 7567469 19429622 20132443 21255106 24920831 25707795 24793649 26478180 26503043
Domain CDD:415474
Functional Category DNA-binding
Uniprot ID P45956
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 94
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 106
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 2878569 2878853 - NC_000913.3 Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655
2 875921 876205 + NZ_CP061527.1 Shigella dysenteriae
3 41512 41805 - NZ_CP040428.1 Jejubacter calystegiae
4 3139865 3140158 - NC_017910.1 Shimwellia blattae DSM 4481 = NBRC 105725
5 2637569 2637862 - NZ_CP007445.1 Gilliamella apicola
6 4160832 4161125 - NC_012880.1 Musicola paradisiaca Ech703
7 2354372 2354665 - NZ_CP009460.1 Dickeya fangzhongdai
8 2292990 2293283 - NZ_CP027107.1 Cronobacter sakazakii
9 5188785 5189078 - NZ_CP020388.1 Pluralibacter gergoviae
10 421302 421595 + NZ_CP025799.1 Dickeya zeae
11 1143429 1143722 + NZ_CP012266.1 Cronobacter dublinensis subsp. dublinensis LMG 23823
12 3852105 3852401 - NZ_CP031093.1 Hydrocarboniclastica marina
13 83207 83500 + NZ_CP028271.1 Mixta intestinalis
14 748594 748884 + NZ_CP014864.1 Microbulbifer thermotolerans
15 3858913 3859206 + NZ_CP057657.1 Escherichia fergusonii
16 449996 450289 + NZ_CP038498.1 Pectobacterium punjabense
17 4399370 4399663 - NZ_CP051652.1 Pectobacterium carotovorum
18 440768 441061 + NZ_CP034938.1 Pectobacterium odoriferum
19 3628391 3628684 - NZ_CP015749.1 Pectobacterium parmentieri
20 2215617 2215910 + NZ_CP015750.1 Pectobacterium wasabiae CFBP 3304
21 3977529 3977822 - NZ_CP042220.2 Dickeya poaceiphila
22 2999861 3000154 - NZ_CP013940.1 Cronobacter malonaticus LMG 23826
23 4225209 4225502 + NZ_CP017482.1 Pectobacterium polaris
24 3598658 3598951 - NC_002695.2 Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai
25 466761 467054 + NZ_LT615367.1 Dickeya aquatica
26 3224592 3224876 + NC_013716.1 Citrobacter rodentium ICC168
27 894036 894329 - NZ_CP053416.1 Salmonella bongori
28 3078251 3078544 - NC_003197.2 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2
29 3752631 3752927 - NZ_CP021435.1 Halomonas beimenensis
30 3056277 3056561 - NZ_CP023567.1 Erwinia pyrifoliae
31 4501872 4502165 - NZ_CP065044.1 Pectobacterium aroidearum
32 2903662 2903946 - NC_013961.1 Erwinia amylovora CFBP1430
33 2343674 2343967 - NZ_CP034752.1 Jinshanibacter zhutongyuii
34 3589698 3590015 + NC_009943.1 Desulfococcus oleovorans Hxd3
35 534692 534985 - NZ_FO704551.1 Xenorhabdus poinarii G6
36 533978 534274 + NZ_CP046269.1 Vibrio spartinae
37 2180334 2180618 - NZ_CP029185.2 Limnobaculum parvum
38 560616 560909 - NZ_FO704550.1 Xenorhabdus doucetiae
39 4274022 4274315 - NZ_CP060401.1 Xenorhabdus nematophila
40 135633 135929 - NZ_CP026364.1 Proteus hauseri
41 849541 849840 + NZ_CP048711.1 Kineobactrum salinum
42 1099515 1099808 - NZ_CP048812.1 Halomonas socia
43 1393233 1393529 - NZ_CP021358.1 Kushneria marisflavi
44 3646061 3646354 + NC_013892.1 Xenorhabdus bovienii SS-2004
45 264261 264557 + NC_007963.1 Chromohalobacter salexigens DSM 3043
46 1629991 1630293 - NZ_AP012273.1 Thiolapillus brandeum
47 1469650 1469943 + NZ_CP043042.1 Marinobacter fonticola
48 1948113 1948409 + NC_008709.1 Psychromonas ingrahamii 37
49 759668 759967 + NZ_AP017372.2 Halorhodospira halochloris
50 4352320 4352625 - NZ_CP043046.1 Pigmentiphaga aceris
51 1601232 1601477 - NZ_CP007031.1 Marichromatium purpuratum 984
52 2946198 2946497 - NZ_CP011835.1 Azotobacter chroococcum
53 1627769 1628092 - NZ_CP014476.1 Methylomonas denitrificans
54 1273040 1273348 - NZ_CP072426.1 Pseudoalteromonas viridis
55 4285975 4286277 - NC_016112.1 Methylotuvimicrobium alcaliphilum 20Z
56 4574644 4574946 - NZ_CP035467.1 Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense
57 722344 722643 + NZ_AP018724.1 Sulfurivermis fontis
58 479806 480051 + NC_018012.1 Thiocystis violascens DSM 198
59 186307 186606 - NZ_CP068286.1 Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis
60 959476 959775 - NZ_CP012943.1 Ralstonia solanacearum
61 4030422 4030730 - NC_013960.1 Nitrosococcus halophilus Nc 4
62 291502 291804 - NZ_LR134378.1 Lautropia mirabilis
63 4924303 4924548 - NZ_AP017928.1 Methylocaldum marinum
64 2156325 2156582 - NZ_CP009788.1 Geobacter pickeringii
65 1531190 1531489 - NC_014315.1 Nitrosococcus watsonii C-113
66 2642164 2642457 - NC_010814.1 Geobacter lovleyi SZ
67 762462 762752 - NC_013851.1 Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180
68 5267483 5267806 + NC_018025.1 Desulfomonile tiedjei DSM 6799
69 1521467 1521772 + NC_002939.5 Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA
70 1280088 1280372 - NZ_AP014568.1 Serpentinomonas raichei
71 2732633 2732935 - NZ_CP060084.1 Teredinibacter haidensis
72 1649203 1649445 - NC_011832.1 Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9c
73 762436 762711 + NZ_CP039543.1 Desulfovibrio marinus
74 994694 994978 + NC_009483.1 Geobacter uraniireducens Rf4
75 2992246 2992488 + NZ_CP029331.1 Thauera hydrothermalis
76 1331476 1331781 - NZ_CP026538.1 Desulfovibrio carbinolicus
77 976272 976556 - NZ_CP011451.1 Nitrosomonas communis
78 949211 949516 + NZ_LR778301.1 Denitratisoma oestradiolicum
79 2137306 2137623 - NZ_CP043043.1 Gluconobacter thailandicus
80 886318 886566 - NC_007519.1 Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
81 1134216 1134476 + NC_007498.2 Syntrophotalea carbinolica DSM 2380
82 1147943 1148203 + NZ_AP021884.1 Sulfuriferula plumbiphila
83 1571985 1572227 + NZ_CP021455.1 Comamonas serinivorans
84 273199 273495 - NZ_CP014671.1 Immundisolibacter cernigliae
85 2444154 2444435 - NZ_CP061202.1 Rhodobacter capsulatus
86 52614 52946 + NZ_CP044115.1 Roseomonas mucosa
87 3392914 3393213 + NZ_CP045508.1 Desulfolutivibrio sulfoxidireducens
88 2523141 2523437 - NC_008609.1 Pelobacter propionicus DSM 2379
89 435251 435550 + NZ_CP022423.1 Vitreoscilla filiformis
90 3307336 3307623 - NZ_CP020470.1 Rhodobacter blasticus
91 2430805 2431092 + NZ_CP015421.1 Rhodovulum sulfidophilum
92 12237 12527 + NZ_CP035514.1 Haematobacter massiliensis
93 4281148 4281402 + NZ_CP017707.1 Chromobacterium vaccinii
94 2386959 2387270 - NC_017059.1 Pararhodospirillum photometricum DSM 122
95 610406 610693 + NC_007955.1 Methanococcoides burtonii DSM 6242
96 2038321 2038605 + NZ_CP015093.1 Salipiger abyssi
97 36591 36860 + NZ_CP012664.1 Defluviimonas alba
98 3031802 3032056 + NZ_CP029495.1 Chromobacterium phragmitis
99 1562573 1562860 - NZ_CP003182.2 Granulibacter bethesdensis CGDNIH4
100 1573458 1573751 - NC_007796.1 Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1
101 1669290 1669586 - NC_015676.1 Methanosalsum zhilinae DSM 4017
102 3464612 3464908 - NZ_HG322949.1 Janthinobacterium agaricidamnosum NBRC 102515 = DSM 9628
103 1104491 1104784 + NZ_CP021255.1 Desulfobulbus oralis
104 200012 200305 - NC_017584.1 Rhodospirillum rubrum F11
105 4881954 4882244 + NZ_CP039690.1 Phreatobacter stygius
106 5494368 5494646 - NC_011894.1 Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060
107 2108071 2108376 + NZ_CP009530.1 Methanosarcina barkeri 227
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_000913.3
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF08798.13 0.92 97 934.5 same-strand CRISPR associated protein
2 PF09704.12 0.89 94 1610 same-strand CRISPR-associated protein (Cas Cas5)
3 PF09344.12 0.85 90 2338 same-strand CT1975-like protein
4 PF09485.12 0.7 74 3418 same-strand CRISPR-associated protein Cse2 (CRISPR cse2)
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