Result : P45611
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Phosphocarrier protein HPr (Histidine-containing protein)
NCBI Accession ID L22432.1
Organism Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (strain California kid / ATCC 27343 / NCTC 10154)
Left 617
Right 886
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function General (non sugar-specific) component of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (sugar PTS). This major carbohydrate active-transport system catalyzes the phosphorylation of incoming sugar substrates concomitantly with their translocation across the cell membrane. The phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is transferred to the phosphoryl carrier protein HPr by enzyme I. Phospho-HPr then transfers it to the PTS EIIA domain.; P-Ser-HPr interacts with the catabolite control protein A (CcpA), forming a complex that binds to DNA at the catabolite response elements cre, operator sites preceding a large number of catabolite-regulated genes. Thus, P-Ser-HPr is a corepressor in carbon catabolite repression (CCR), a mechanism that allows bacteria to coordinate and optimize the utilization of available carbon sources. P-Ser-HPr also plays a role in inducer exclusion, in which it probably interacts with several non-PTS permeases and inhibits their transport activity (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Pubmed ID 8253782 8710835 7582895
Domain CDD:412221
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID P45611
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 89
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 78
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 831735 832004 - NC_007633.1 Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum ATCC 27343
2 834204 834473 - NZ_CP001668.1 Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. capri str. GM12
3 219309 219578 + NZ_CP007520.1 Mycoplasma yeatsii GM274B
4 720005 720274 - NZ_LS991954.1 Mycoplasma putrefaciens
5 732291 732560 - NZ_CP024965.1 Entomoplasma somnilux
6 787544 787810 - NZ_CP025257.1 Mesoplasma syrphidae
7 47370 47639 - NZ_CP024963.1 Entomoplasma luminosum
8 156501 156764 + NZ_CP043026.1 Spiroplasma chinense
9 591314 591589 - NZ_CP023668.1 Mesoplasma lactucae ATCC 49193
10 728598 728867 - NZ_CP024962.1 Entomoplasma freundtii
11 1437527 1437790 - NZ_CP024870.1 Spiroplasma clarkii
12 123998 124261 + NZ_CP006681.1 Spiroplasma culicicola AES-1
13 113827 114090 + NZ_CP017015.1 Spiroplasma helicoides
14 100721 100984 + NZ_CP025543.1 Spiroplasma monobiae MQ-1
15 106300 106563 + NC_021833.1 Spiroplasma diminutum CUAS-1
16 111084 111347 + NC_021846.1 Spiroplasma taiwanense CT-1
17 99164 99427 + NZ_CP025057.1 Spiroplasma floricola 23-6
18 701975 702244 - NZ_CP023173.1 Mesoplasma chauliocola
19 129679 129942 + NZ_CP038013.1 Spiroplasma gladiatoris
20 201858 202121 + NZ_CP046276.1 Spiroplasma tabanidicola
21 713975 714244 - NZ_CP024411.1 Mesoplasma entomophilum
22 657113 657382 - NC_006055.1 Mesoplasma florum L1
23 109060 109323 + NZ_CP006934.1 Spiroplasma sabaudiense Ar-1343
24 104186 104449 + NZ_CP012622.1 Spiroplasma cantharicola
25 707108 707377 - NZ_CP024969.1 Mesoplasma tabanidae
26 702401 702670 - NZ_CP024964.1 Entomoplasma melaleucae
27 102029 102292 + NZ_CP012328.1 Spiroplasma turonicum
28 101649 101912 + NZ_CP022535.1 Spiroplasma corruscae
29 113566 113829 + NC_022998.1 Spiroplasma apis B31
30 99074 99337 + NZ_CP012357.1 Spiroplasma litorale
31 720083 720346 - NC_002771.1 Mycoplasmopsis pulmonis UAB CTIP
32 289696 289959 + NZ_CP002082.1 Spiroplasma mirum ATCC 29335
33 316050 316313 + NZ_CP011855.1 Spiroplasma atrichopogonis
34 335376 335639 + NZ_CP011856.1 Spiroplasma eriocheiris
35 795941 796210 + NC_021283.1 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae 168-L
36 243814 244077 + NZ_AP022325.1 Mycoplasmopsis felis
37 986656 986919 + NZ_LR215036.1 Mycoplasmopsis citelli
38 341531 341794 + NZ_LR215039.1 Mycoplasmopsis columboralis
39 311217 311486 + NC_014014.1 Mycoplasma crocodyli MP145
40 49376 49642 + NC_000908.2 Mycoplasma genitalium G37
41 455564 455830 + NZ_CP045562.1 Fructilactobacillus fructivorans
42 5176731 5177000 - NZ_CP045293.1 Paenibacillus guangzhouensis
43 181685 181954 + NZ_CP009428.1 Paenibacillus odorifer
44 7235081 7235350 + NZ_CP021780.1 Paenibacillus donghaensis
45 760664 760933 + NZ_CP026520.1 Paenibacillus chitinolyticus
46 188863 189126 - NZ_CP053187.1 Turicibacter sanguinis
47 2088147 2088416 + NZ_CP048429.1 Paenibacillus jilunlii
48 173398 173667 + NZ_CP009287.1 Paenibacillus graminis
49 2044738 2045007 + NZ_CP068595.1 Paenibacillus sonchi
50 179008 179277 + NZ_LN831776.1 Paenibacillus riograndensis SBR5
51 1852241 1852510 - NZ_AP021853.1 Sporolactobacillus terrae
52 171789 172058 + NZ_CP004078.1 Paenibacillus sabinae T27
53 174916 175185 + NZ_CP009288.1 Paenibacillus durus
54 168342 168611 + NZ_CP009285.1 Paenibacillus borealis
55 1298930 1299196 - NZ_CP061835.1 Weissella viridescens
56 218778 219047 + NZ_CP009286.1 Paenibacillus stellifer
57 799567 799836 - NC_014921.1 Mycoplasmopsis fermentans M64
58 1720850 1721119 + NZ_CP059540.1 Planococcus maritimus
59 1708659 1708928 + NZ_CP016538.2 Planococcus maritimus
60 104078 104350 + NZ_LR215042.1 Mycoplasmopsis meleagridis
61 831903 832172 - NZ_CP034248.1 Paenibacillus lentus
62 1074742 1075008 - NZ_CP018199.1 Staphylococcus succinus
63 1766560 1766826 - NZ_LR134089.1 Staphylococcus saprophyticus
64 1858145 1858411 - NZ_CP008724.1 Staphylococcus xylosus
65 1180393 1180656 + NZ_CP012024.1 Bacillus smithii
66 1464120 1464389 + NZ_CP013659.2 Planococcus rifietoensis
67 642143 642409 + NZ_LN898144.1 Paucilactobacillus oligofermentans DSM 15707 = LMG 22743
68 1696298 1696567 + NZ_CP016539.2 Planococcus plakortidis
69 318175 318441 - NZ_CP022983.1 Cytobacillus kochii
70 1058136 1058402 + NZ_CP040586.1 Furfurilactobacillus rossiae
71 1955731 1955997 + NZ_CP011454.1 Gemmatimonas phototrophica
72 686115 686354 + NZ_AP018400.1 Streptococcus ruminantium
73 1147056 1147295 - NC_012924.1 Streptococcus suis SC84
74 1464282 1464521 + NZ_CP015196.1 Streptococcus marmotae
75 890913 891152 + NZ_CP022680.1 Streptococcus respiraculi
76 1256184 1256423 + NZ_CP016953.1 Streptococcus himalayensis
77 1354462 1354701 - NZ_LS483383.1 Streptococcus cristatus ATCC 51100
78 743383 743649 + NZ_CP017702.1 Companilactobacillus farciminis KCTC 3681 = DSM 20184
79 429209 429475 + NZ_CP049366.1 Companilactobacillus pabuli
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