Result : P29907
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Uncharacterized 9.3 kDa protein in nqo2 3'region (URF1)
NCBI Accession ID M74171.1
Organism Paracoccus denitrificans
Left 1419
Right 1682
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of pfam17272. Profile Description: Family of unknown function (DUF5337). This family of unknown function is found in Rhodobacterales. Most members are predicted to have 2 trans-membrane regions.
Pubmed ID 1909571
Domain CDD:407385
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID P29907
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 87
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 8
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 497365 497628 + NZ_CP045072.1 Paracoccus kondratievae
2 852863 853126 + NZ_LN832559.1 Paracoccus aminovorans
3 2627416 2627664 + NZ_CP030239.1 Paracoccus mutanolyticus
4 2154925 2155173 + NZ_CP024422.1 Paracoccus yeei
5 358326 358556 + NZ_CP025583.1 Paracoccus jeotgali
6 525369 525611 + NZ_CP060436.1 Pseudooceanicola algae
7 63406 63621 + NZ_CP025430.1 Paracoccus zhejiangensis
8 287116 287346 - NZ_CP020612.1 Paracoccus contaminans
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP045072.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00329.21 0.88 7 2862 same-strand Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase, 30 Kd subunit
2 PF00346.21 1.0 8 1513.0 same-strand Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase, 49 Kd subunit
3 PF01257.21 1.0 8 682.0 same-strand Thioredoxin-like [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin
4 PF01512.19 1.0 8 7.0 same-strand Respiratory-chain NADH dehydrogenase 51 Kd subunit
5 PF10589.11 0.88 7 7 same-strand NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-F iron-sulfur binding region
6 PF10531.11 1.0 8 7.0 same-strand SLBB domain
7 PF17267.4 0.88 7 1461 same-strand Family of unknown function (DUF5333)
8 PF10588.11 0.75 6 2371.0 same-strand NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase-G iron-sulfur binding region
9 PF13510.8 0.75 6 2371.0 same-strand 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain
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