Result : P19731
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Phenol hydroxylase P2 protein (EC (Phenol 2-monooxygenase P2 component)
NCBI Accession ID M60276.1
Organism Pseudomonas sp. (strain CF600)
Left 2076
Right 2348
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Catabolizes phenol, and some of its methylated derivatives. P2 is required for growth on phenol, and for in vitro phenol hydroxylase activity.
Pubmed ID 2254258 9012665
Domain CDD:396810
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID P19731
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 90
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 50
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 727871 728140 + NZ_AP014862.1 Pseudomonas furukawaii
2 2793563 2793832 + NZ_CP014158.1 Pseudomonas citronellolis
3 713305 713574 + NZ_CP043311.1 Pseudomonas lalkuanensis
4 1771484 1771753 + NZ_CP047698.1 Pseudomonas knackmussii
5 4279271 4279540 - NZ_CP020931.1 Marinobacter salarius
6 2322643 2322912 + NZ_CP022562.1 Pseudomonas monteilii
7 2970813 2971082 - NZ_CP017715.1 Marinobacter salinus
8 4263762 4264031 + NC_017506.1 Marinobacter adhaerens HP15
9 838755 839024 - NC_012560.1 Azotobacter vinelandii DJ
10 3179948 3180217 - NC_012560.1 Azotobacter vinelandii DJ
11 3309492 3309764 + NZ_CP051487.1 Pseudomonas umsongensis
12 1805657 1805926 + NZ_CP029397.2 Acinetobacter defluvii
13 1806283 1806552 - NZ_AP014630.1 Acinetobacter guillouiae
14 2816620 2816889 + NZ_CP032134.1 Acinetobacter chinensis
15 3420227 3420445 - NZ_AP014545.1 Amphritea japonica ATCC BAA-1530
16 1034465 1034737 - NZ_CP059565.1 Neisseria wadsworthii
17 2362196 2362465 + NZ_CP015839.1 Marinobacterium aestuarii
18 999738 1000010 - NZ_LR134313.1 Neisseria canis
19 632345 632614 + NZ_CP043869.1 Neptunomonas concharum
20 3943042 3943314 + NZ_CP013119.1 Alcaligenes faecalis
21 473004 473273 + NZ_LT906434.1 Neisseria zoodegmatis
22 300985 301236 - NZ_CP012373.2 Beggiatoa leptomitoformis
23 517471 517737 - NC_016603.1 Acinetobacter pittii PHEA-2
24 2697132 2697398 + NZ_CP053391.1 Acinetobacter lactucae
25 2833057 2833323 + NC_014259.1 Acinetobacter oleivorans DR1
26 1334673 1334939 + NZ_CP071766.1 Acinetobacter towneri
27 802045 802311 + NZ_CP040105.1 Acinetobacter nosocomialis M2
28 2785360 2785626 + NZ_CP065820.1 Acinetobacter seifertii
29 308007 308234 - NZ_CP032518.1 Cupriavidus oxalaticus
30 1740575 1740847 + NZ_CP026111.1 Paraburkholderia terrae
31 2242755 2242976 + NZ_CP064338.1 Schlegelella thermodepolymerans
32 375741 375989 + NZ_CP014646.1 Thauera humireducens
33 6833915 6834133 - NZ_CP019038.1 Massilia putida
34 2442705 2442971 - NC_008825.1 Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1
35 311312 311581 + NZ_CP051298.1 Alicycliphilus denitrificans
36 1034973 1035245 + NZ_CP062804.1 Cupriavidus basilensis
37 2922651 2922872 + NZ_CP027669.1 Simplicispira suum
38 3230552 3230821 + NZ_CP018420.1 Pseudomonas veronii
39 315400 315672 + NZ_CP029396.2 Acinetobacter defluvii
40 1415188 1415406 - NZ_CP010554.1 Rugosibacter aromaticivorans
41 2453124 2453405 + NZ_CP016895.1 Acinetobacter larvae
42 3932469 3932690 + NZ_CP017476.1 Hydrogenophaga crassostreae
43 2199139 2199411 - NZ_CP017755.1 Cupriavidus malaysiensis
44 612516 612797 + NZ_CP039288.1 Cupriavidus necator H16
45 3353384 3353653 - NC_007511.1 Burkholderia lata
46 1190766 1191038 + NC_014006.1 Sphingobium japonicum UT26S
47 1013212 1013484 - NZ_CP060036.1 Sphingobium fuliginis
48 260105 260374 + NZ_CP040517.1 Luteithermobacter gelatinilyticus
49 2125152 2125421 + NZ_CP016210.1 Azoarcus olearius
50 2526357 2526626 - NZ_CP045236.1 Burkholderia cepacia
51 184208 184477 + NZ_CP013452.1 Burkholderia cenocepacia
52 148985 149302 - NZ_CP035710.1 Sphaerotilus natans subsp. sulfidivorans
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NZ_CP014158.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00158.28 0.98 49 1693 opposite-strand Sigma-54 interaction domain
2 PF06505.13 0.98 49 1693 opposite-strand Activator of aromatic catabolism
3 PF14532.8 0.98 49 1693 opposite-strand Sigma-54 interaction domain
4 PF02830.20 0.98 49 1693 opposite-strand V4R domain
5 PF02954.21 0.96 48 1693.0 opposite-strand Bacterial regulatory protein, Fis family
6 PF07728.16 0.94 47 1692 opposite-strand AAA domain (dynein-related subfamily)
7 PF06099.13 1.0 50 1047.5 same-strand Phenol hydroxylase subunit
8 PF02332.20 1.0 50 23.0 same-strand Methane/Phenol/Toluene Hydroxylase
9 PF04945.15 0.88 44 35 same-strand YHS domain
10 PF04663.14 1.0 50 1632.0 same-strand Phenol hydroxylase conserved region
11 PF00111.29 1.0 50 2041.0 same-strand 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain
12 PF00175.23 1.0 50 2009.0 same-strand Oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain
13 PF00970.26 0.88 44 2009.0 same-strand Oxidoreductase FAD-binding domain
14 PF13510.8 0.72 36 2009.0 same-strand 2Fe-2S iron-sulfur cluster binding domain
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