Result : O85044
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Carboxysome shell vertex protein CsoS4B
NCBI Accession ID AF038430.1
Organism Halothiobacillus neapolitanus (strain ATCC 23641 / c2) (Thiobacillus neapolitanus)
Left 6429
Right 6674
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Probably forms vertices in the carboxysome. Has been modeled to induce curvature upon insertion into an otherwise flat hexagonal layer of major carboxysome subunits (Probable). A minor shell protein, only 12 pentamers of CsoS4A/CsoS4B are calculated to be present in each carboxysome. The 2 CsoS4 proteins contribute to the impermeability of the carboxysome to CO(2) (Pubmed:19844578). Its central pore is probably too small to allow passage of metabolites; its function might be to anchor different proteins or metabolites to the carboxysome (Probable). {ECO:0000269|Pubmed:19844578, ECO:0000305|Pubmed:18292340}.; Unlike beta-carboxysomes, alpha-carboxysomes (Cb) can form without cargo protein. CsoS2 is essential for Cb formation and is also capable of targeting foreign proteins to the Cb. The Cb shell assembles with the aid of CsoS2; CsoS1A, CsoS1B and CsoS1C form the majority of the shell while CsoS4A and CsoS4B form vertices. CsoS1D forms pseudohexamers that probably control metabolite flux into and out of the shell. {ECO:0000269|Pubmed:33116131}.
Pubmed ID 9696760 18292340 19844578 22184212 33116131 31171360
Domain CDD:413110
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID O85044
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 81
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 26
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1490909 1491154 - NZ_CP026328.2 Acidithiobacillus caldus
2 2389875 2390141 - NZ_AP018795.1 Acidithiobacillus ferridurans
3 1457685 1457951 - NC_011761.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 23270
4 234264 234509 + NZ_CP072793.1 Thiothrix unzii
5 2156521 2156772 - NZ_AP018721.1 Sulfuritortus calidifontis
6 3065900 3066166 - NC_015942.1 Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans SS3
7 2475207 2475452 - NZ_CP045571.1 Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans ATCC 19377
8 840322 840570 - NZ_CP046415.1 Guyparkeria halophila
9 3164964 3165221 - NZ_AP021881.1 Sulfuriferula nivalis
10 3297457 3297714 - NZ_AP021884.1 Sulfuriferula plumbiphila
11 3075597 3075866 - NC_019902.2 Thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens DSM 14787
12 519495 519761 + NZ_AP018725.1 Sulfuriflexus mobilis
13 2652203 2652472 - NZ_CP007029.1 Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ARh 1
14 315382 315648 + NZ_CP017415.1 Acidihalobacter yilgarnenesis
15 8454 8705 - NC_019675.1 Cyanobium gracile PCC 6307
16 2253062 2253307 - NZ_AP018722.1 Thiomicrorhabdus aquaedulcis
17 3481644 3481925 - NZ_CP007031.1 Marichromatium purpuratum 984
18 3105849 3106112 - NC_013851.1 Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180
19 283656 283904 + NC_007959.1 Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14
20 316520 316765 + NZ_CP040602.1 Thiomicrorhabdus sediminis
21 2499429 2499680 - NZ_AP014568.1 Serpentinomonas raichei
22 530609 530860 + NC_005042.1 Prochlorococcus marinus subsp. marinus str. CCMP1375
23 1979525 1979770 + NZ_CP020046.1 Thiomonas intermedia
24 828803 829051 + NC_008344.1 Nitrosomonas eutropha C91
25 2067830 2068102 - NZ_AP021888.1 Thiosulfativibrio zosterae
26 2167991 2168242 - NC_007406.1 Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nb-255
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_011761.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00210.26 0.77 20 1087.0 same-strand Ferritin-like domain
2 PF00936.21 1.0 26 374.5 same-strand BMC domain
3 PF03319.15 0.96 25 2 same-strand Ethanolamine utilisation protein EutN/carboxysome
4 PF08936.12 0.96 25 263 same-strand Carboxysome Shell Carbonic Anhydrase
5 PF00101.22 0.96 25 4293 same-strand Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, small chain
6 PF00016.22 0.92 24 4717.0 same-strand Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large chain, catalytic domain
7 PF02788.18 0.92 24 4717.0 same-strand Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase large chain, N-terminal domain
8 PF12288.10 0.73 19 1826 same-strand Carboxysome shell peptide mid-region
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