Result : O83598
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Phosphocarrier protein HPr (Histidine-containing protein)
NCBI Accession ID AE000520.1
Organism Treponema pallidum (strain Nichols)
Left 640705
Right 640971
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function General (non sugar-specific) component of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (sugar PTS). This major carbohydrate active-transport system catalyzes the phosphorylation of incoming sugar substrates concomitantly with their translocation across the cell membrane. The phosphoryl group from phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) is transferred to the phosphoryl carrier protein HPr by enzyme I. Phospho-HPr then transfers it to the PTS EIIA domain. {ECO:0000250}.
Pubmed ID 9665876
Domain CDD:412221
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID O83598
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 88
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 53
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 638182 638448 - NC_015714.1 Treponema paraluiscuniculi Cuniculi A
2 2280208 2280474 + NZ_CP009228.1 Treponema putidum
3 443953 444219 + NZ_CP054142.1 Treponema parvum
4 435891 436157 + NC_022097.1 Treponema pedis str. T A4
5 2518167 2518433 - NC_015500.1 Treponema brennaborense DSM 12168
6 3260269 3260535 + NZ_CP036150.1 Oceanispirochaeta crateris
7 1476789 1477055 + NZ_CP009687.1 Clostridium aceticum
8 2427155 2427421 + NC_015385.1 Treponema succinifaciens DSM 2489
9 4380049 4380315 + NC_014364.1 Sediminispirochaeta smaragdinae DSM 11293
10 1332145 1332411 - NC_002967.9 Treponema denticola ATCC 35405
11 3560668 3560934 - NC_023035.1 Salinispira pacifica
12 3628991 3629257 + NC_015578.1 Treponema primitia ZAS-2
13 3056910 3057176 - NC_017098.1 Spirochaeta africana DSM 8902
14 1552554 1552820 + NZ_CP020559.1 Clostridium formicaceticum
15 2919710 2919976 + NC_015732.1 Treponema caldarium DSM 7334
16 3796789 3797058 + NZ_CP053073.1 Usitatibacter palustris
17 4367495 4367764 + NZ_CP053069.1 Usitatibacter rugosus
18 4466306 4466572 + NZ_CP017269.1 Geosporobacter ferrireducens
19 2726745 2727002 - NZ_CP064060.1 Anoxybacillus caldiproteolyticus
20 1788466 1788732 - NC_014614.1 Acetoanaerobium sticklandii
21 2151961 2152230 + NZ_CP016171.1 Bordetella bronchialis
22 567616 567873 + NZ_CP015438.1 Anoxybacillus amylolyticus
23 1785646 1785903 + NZ_CP017703.1 Aeribacillus pallidus
24 3808909 3809178 - NZ_CP016172.1 Bordetella flabilis
25 3636437 3636703 + NZ_CP007128.1 Gemmatirosa kalamazoonesis
26 1414099 1414368 + NZ_AP019378.1 Bordetella parapertussis
27 1259814 1260083 - NC_018518.1 Bordetella pertussis 18323
28 1958749 1959018 + NZ_LR134326.1 Bordetella bronchiseptica
29 3287852 3288121 + NC_020541.1 Rhodanobacter denitrificans
30 3548724 3548993 - NC_006270.3 Bacillus licheniformis DSM 13 = ATCC 14580
31 1028786 1029052 + NC_011146.1 Citrifermentans bemidjiense Bem
32 3359135 3359392 - NZ_CP015378.1 Fictibacillus phosphorivorans
33 662698 662955 + NZ_CP012502.1 Bacillus beveridgei
34 3751872 3752099 - NZ_AP023213.1 Citrifermentans bremense
35 2115180 2115410 - NZ_CP043146.1 Bordetella holmesii
36 3971952 3972209 - NC_022524.1 Bacillus infantis NRRL B-14911
37 4243253 4243522 - NZ_CP038034.1 Achromobacter insolitus
38 3030729 3030998 + NZ_CP029331.1 Thauera hydrothermalis
39 2203259 2203528 - NC_017964.1 Advenella kashmirensis WT001
40 2497156 2497425 - NZ_CP003915.1 Advenella mimigardefordensis DPN7
41 3668260 3668514 - NC_002570.2 Alkalihalobacillus halodurans C-125
42 538577 538846 + NZ_CP053986.1 Achromobacter denitrificans
43 4048995 4049261 + NZ_CP030926.1 Peribacillus butanolivorans
44 1129340 1129606 - NZ_CP017704.1 Peribacillus simplex NBRC 15720 = DSM 1321
45 2268600 2268857 - NZ_CP061470.1 Geobacillus zalihae
46 211329 211586 + NZ_CP014342.1 Geobacillus subterraneus
47 3084351 3084608 - NC_006510.1 Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426
48 1955432 1955689 - NZ_CP061472.1 Geobacillus thermoleovorans
49 905695 905964 - NZ_AP018560.1 Aerosticca soli
50 1032018 1032287 - NZ_CP029843.1 Lysobacter maris
51 764203 764460 + NZ_CP018058.1 Geobacillus thermocatenulatus
52 2263959 2264177 + NZ_CP021434.1 Tumebacillus avium
53 3871051 3871266 - NZ_CP022657.1 Tumebacillus algifaecis
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