Result : O32605
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name 10 kDa chaperonin (GroES protein) (Protein Cpn10)
NCBI Accession ID U88092.1
Organism Neorickettsia sennetsu (Ehrlichia sennetsu)
Left 209
Right 505
Strand +
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function Binds to Cpn60 in the presence of Mg-ATP and suppresses the ATPase activity of the latter. {ECO:0000255|HAMAP-Rule:MF_00580}.
Pubmed ID 9215585
Domain CDD:415587
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID O32605
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 98
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 191
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 563368 563664 - NC_007798.1 Neorickettsia sennetsu str. Miyayama
2 563919 564215 - NZ_CP047224.1 Neorickettsia findlayensis
3 578087 578383 - NC_013009.1 Neorickettsia risticii str. Illinois
4 573554 573850 - NZ_CP007481.1 Neorickettsia helminthoeca str. Oregon
5 835056 835340 - NC_023063.1 Ehrlichia muris AS145
6 238012 238296 - NC_021880.1 Anaplasma phagocytophilum str. JM
7 910541 910825 - NC_007354.1 Ehrlichia canis str. Jake
8 868072 868356 + NC_012026.1 Anaplasma marginale str. Florida
9 371345 371629 - NC_013532.1 Anaplasma centrale str. Israel
10 1076846 1077130 - NZ_CP040111.1 Ehrlichia ruminantium
11 344880 345164 + NZ_CP007480.1 Ehrlichia chaffeensis str. West Paces
12 1606607 1606888 + NZ_CP041636.1 Ferrovibrio terrae
13 843242 843484 + NZ_CP015994.1 Anaplasma ovis str. Haibei
14 3078861 3079172 - NC_009952.1 Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12 = DSM 16493
15 4237585 4237899 - NZ_CP021112.1 Pseudorhodoplanes sinuspersici
16 816415 816702 - NZ_CP060052.1 Croceicoccus marinus
17 35400 35660 + NC_007794.1 Novosphingobium aromaticivorans DSM 12444
18 1692218 1692505 - NZ_CP060717.1 Sphingomonas rhizophila
19 770472 770777 + NC_020127.1 Lawsonia intracellularis N343
20 2454340 2454597 - NZ_CP003182.2 Granulibacter bethesdensis CGDNIH4
21 2119898 2120185 + NZ_CP011805.1 Pelagerythrobacter marensis
22 2216924 2217178 - NZ_CP041159.1 Leisingera aquaemixtae
23 3104885 3105214 - NC_014664.1 Rhodomicrobium vannielii ATCC 17100
24 942951 943211 + NC_003911.12 Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3
25 1964451 1964696 - NZ_CP040517.1 Luteithermobacter gelatinilyticus
26 2194591 2194875 + NC_014217.1 Starkeya novella DSM 506
27 1460457 1460744 - NZ_CP042345.1 Novosphingobium ginsenosidimutans
28 975579 975839 + NZ_CP054599.1 Sulfitobacter pseudonitzschiae
29 618564 618839 + NZ_CP041046.1 Luteibacter pinisoli
30 4048740 4049024 - NZ_CP048630.1 Ancylobacter pratisalsi
31 2561790 2562044 + NZ_CP009291.1 Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1
32 1757676 1757960 + NZ_CP009291.1 Novosphingobium pentaromativorans US6-1
33 916680 916931 - NZ_CP015093.1 Salipiger abyssi
34 3307159 3307419 - NZ_CP033219.1 Parasedimentitalea marina
35 2185269 2185529 - NZ_CP015230.1 Epibacterium mobile F1926
36 3240165 3240446 - NZ_CP042434.1 Arachidicoccus ginsenosidivorans
37 966424 966684 + NZ_CP021047.1 Phaeobacter gallaeciensis
38 2783145 2783459 - NZ_CP027668.1 Phreatobacter cathodiphilus
39 346656 346934 - NZ_CP071057.1 Marinicauda algicola
40 3670353 3670646 + NZ_CP014841.1 Dyella thiooxydans
41 1319690 1319977 - NZ_CP053921.1 Erythrobacter mangrovi
42 1530290 1530577 + NC_017310.1 Desulfovibrio vulgaris RCH1
43 3052774 3053061 - NZ_CP061205.1 Kordiimonas pumila
44 204703 204990 + NZ_CP016545.1 Paraurantiacibacter namhicola
45 388321 388596 + NC_020541.1 Rhodanobacter denitrificans
46 1973838 1974092 - NZ_CP009571.1 Sphingomonas taxi
47 975816 976109 - NZ_CP017480.1 Luteibacter rhizovicinus DSM 16549
48 280908 281168 - NZ_CP025613.1 Niveispirillum cyanobacteriorum
49 1455684 1455980 + NC_015681.1 Thermodesulfatator indicus DSM 15286
50 3167903 3168178 - NC_017033.1 Frateuria aurantia DSM 6220
51 3608400 3608681 - NC_016803.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio mercurii
52 360285 360572 + NC_016929.1 Rickettsia canadensis str. CA410
53 2427411 2427671 - NZ_CP016364.1 Phaeobacter porticola
54 2480155 2480415 - NZ_CP010650.1 Phaeobacter inhibens
55 1884943 1885203 + NZ_CP004372.1 Roseibacterium elongatum DSM 19469
56 812265 812513 + NZ_CP042909.1 Thermosulfurimonas marina
57 736565 736825 - NZ_CP023449.1 Rhizorhabdus dicambivorans
58 891988 892275 - NC_009881.1 Rickettsia akari str. Hartford
59 2494437 2494724 - NC_007519.1 Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
60 2687783 2688076 - NZ_AP018560.1 Aerosticca soli
61 950841 951095 + NC_023135.1 Leisingera methylohalidivorans DSM 14336
62 440737 441054 + NZ_AP019700.1 Stella humosa
63 2268399 2268686 - NZ_CP060718.1 Sphingomonas lutea
64 2884894 2885157 + NZ_CP030126.1 Indioceanicola profundi
65 529697 529984 + NC_017058.1 Rickettsia australis str. Cutlack
66 703106 703393 + NZ_LN794217.1 Rickettsia monacensis
67 797790 798077 - NC_017049.1 Rickettsia prowazekii str. Chernikova
68 5916725 5917012 + NZ_CP006644.1 Sphingomonas sanxanigenens DSM 19645 = NX02
69 3638952 3639197 + NZ_CP071517.1 Lysobacter arenosi
70 2760564 2760818 - NZ_CP022110.1 Nitrospirillum amazonense CBAmc
71 985402 985683 + NZ_CP011390.1 Flavisolibacter tropicus
72 1171715 1172026 + NZ_CP034348.1 Roseovarius faecimaris
73 3715708 3715995 - NZ_CP004393.1 Celeribacter indicus
74 134206 134478 + NZ_CP018221.1 Tardibacter chloracetimidivorans
75 808125 808412 - NC_017066.1 Rickettsia typhi str. TH1527
76 3440947 3441210 - NZ_CP039690.1 Phreatobacter stygius
77 3134708 3134968 - NZ_CP009429.1 Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida
78 3335440 3335751 - NZ_CP065915.1 Pelagovum pacificum
79 3110568 3110849 - NC_022997.1 Hyphomicrobium nitrativorans NL23
80 3703863 3704123 + NC_009511.1 Sphingomonas wittichii RW1
81 1000712 1000972 - NZ_CP014229.1 Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis
82 2993809 2994069 - NZ_CP048788.1 Roseobacter ponti
83 464759 465019 - NC_008048.1 Sphingopyxis alaskensis RB2256
84 4501085 4501327 + NZ_AP017422.1 Filimonas lacunae
85 89936 90241 + NZ_CP011450.1 Sphingomonas sanxanigenens DSM 19645 = NX02
86 206003 206275 - NZ_AP017656.1 Sphingobium cloacae
87 1853759 1854016 - NZ_CP022196.1 Celeribacter ethanolicus
88 2397457 2397756 + NZ_CP045423.1 Microvirga thermotolerans
89 214321 214608 + NZ_CP007030.1 Thiomicrospira aerophila AL3
90 275275 275562 - NZ_CP053015.1 Sphingomonas lacunae
91 120085 120372 + NZ_AP019389.1 Qipengyuania flava
92 3098161 3098448 - NC_015186.1 Acidiphilium multivorum AIU301
93 2270082 2270357 + NC_016001.1 Flavobacterium branchiophilum FL-15
94 705870 706157 - NZ_CP041659.1 Sphingomonas xanthus
95 626176 626430 + NZ_CP012160.1 Octadecabacter temperatus
96 2766950 2767210 + NZ_CP051181.1 Thalassobius gelatinovorus
97 2243863 2244165 - NC_013501.1 Rhodothermus marinus DSM 4252
98 4167822 4168070 - NZ_CP035704.1 Pseudolysobacter antarcticus
99 213854 214141 - NZ_CP014327.1 Halocynthiibacter arcticus
100 3902740 3902994 - NZ_CP014327.1 Halocynthiibacter arcticus
101 1324374 1324670 - NC_020300.1 Bartonella australis Aust/NH1
102 229244 229504 - NC_007626.1 Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1
103 976822 977109 - NZ_AP019563.1 Rickettsia asiatica
104 195800 196096 - NZ_CP010401.1 Bartonella ancashensis
105 2642461 2642748 - NZ_CP024199.1 Thalassospira marina
106 1480753 1481046 + NZ_CP015164.1 Acetobacter ascendens
107 734742 735035 + NC_021991.1 Acetobacter pasteurianus 386B
108 2047848 2048141 + NZ_CP022374.1 Acetobacter oryzifermentans
109 1072062 1072319 + NZ_CP023406.1 Luteimonas chenhongjianii
110 170650 170937 + NC_015581.1 Thiomicrospira cyclica ALM1
111 653196 653483 - NC_007940.1 Rickettsia bellii RML369-C
112 2654436 2654726 - NZ_CP011367.1 Thioalkalivibrio versutus
113 4121335 4121595 + NZ_CP019791.1 Anaerohalosphaera lusitana
114 1676321 1676566 + NZ_CP040098.1 Desulfoglaeba alkanexedens ALDC
115 450167 450427 + NZ_CP060084.1 Teredinibacter haidensis
116 1909196 1909483 + NZ_CP046400.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio cashew
117 3576490 3576744 - NC_016609.1 Niastella koreensis GR20-10
118 419138 419431 + NZ_LN606600.1 Acetobacter senegalensis
119 2836669 2836956 + NZ_CP011452.2 Croceibacterium atlanticum
120 2565739 2566029 + NC_008789.1 Halorhodospira halophila SL1
121 2625539 2625787 - NZ_CP038254.1 Legionella israelensis
122 1774870 1775127 + NZ_CP038141.1 Swingsia samuiensis
123 2296287 2296544 + NZ_CP068419.1 Gluconobacter sphaericus
124 819049 819306 + NZ_CP014689.1 Gluconobacter albidus
125 2653810 2654067 - NZ_CP032125.1 Profundibacter amoris
126 3234782 3235030 + NZ_LR134374.1 Legionella spiritensis
127 3897132 3897386 + NZ_CP045201.1 Pseudopuniceibacterium antarcticum
128 2141458 2141745 + NZ_CP045201.1 Pseudopuniceibacterium antarcticum
129 2152788 2153045 + NZ_CP043043.1 Gluconobacter thailandicus
130 2489876 2490130 - NZ_CP022957.1 Maribacter cobaltidurans
131 1845728 1845985 - NC_020908.1 Octadecabacter arcticus 238
132 2300724 2300981 + NZ_CP004373.1 Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 3504
133 2291754 2292014 + NZ_CP020038.1 Agarilytica rhodophyticola
134 2809424 2809663 + NC_014844.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio aespoeensis Aspo-2
135 2126657 2126929 - NZ_CP039543.1 Desulfovibrio marinus
136 2276385 2276645 + NZ_CP060092.1 Teredinibacter purpureus
137 931579 931818 + NC_015945.1 Muricauda ruestringensis DSM 13258
138 2494195 2494482 + NZ_CP040818.1 Paraoceanicella profunda
139 3710364 3710651 - NZ_CP040818.1 Paraoceanicella profunda
140 1863921 1864208 - NC_011894.1 Methylobacterium nodulans ORS 2060
141 1386869 1387123 + NC_015844.1 Zobellia galactanivorans
142 1979413 1979655 + NZ_CP020104.1 Spirosoma aerolatum
143 3433626 3433886 + NZ_LR593887.1 Tuwongella immobilis
144 3465315 3465602 - NZ_CP029843.1 Lysobacter maris
145 3610458 3610745 - NZ_CP046603.1 Lysobacter soli
146 3609200 3609454 + NZ_CP060436.1 Pseudooceanicola algae
147 1124704 1124958 - NZ_CP022387.1 Capnocytophaga stomatis
148 1096750 1097028 + NZ_CP030104.1 Flagellimonas maritima
149 1873707 1873952 - NZ_CP019437.1 Thioclava nitratireducens
150 1673453 1673698 - NZ_CP053562.1 Thioclava electrotropha
151 3159709 3159951 + NZ_CP053435.1 Spirosoma taeanense
152 764465 764707 - NZ_CP014263.1 Spirosoma montaniterrae
153 4507013 4507255 + NZ_CP010429.1 Spirosoma radiotolerans
154 5853122 5853364 + NZ_CP050063.1 Spirosoma aureum
155 1304889 1305128 + NZ_LT906449.1 Capnocytophaga haemolytica
156 825386 825661 + NC_018013.1 Aequorivita sublithincola DSM 14238
157 878204 878452 + NZ_CP016397.1 Legionella clemsonensis
158 3097032 3097271 - NZ_CP017478.1 Urechidicola croceus
159 24517 24804 - NC_008340.1 Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii MLHE-1
160 5602214 5602456 + NC_015703.1 Runella slithyformis DSM 19594
161 4152960 4153214 + NZ_CP032050.1 Euzebyella marina
162 523476 523718 + NZ_CP025096.1 Spirosoma pollinicola
163 594786 595043 + NC_002570.2 Alkalihalobacillus halodurans C-125
164 538513 538800 + NZ_CP041242.1 Lysobacter alkalisoli
165 591633 591914 + NZ_CP027860.1 Ahniella affigens
166 24332 24577 + NZ_CP032132.1 Acinetobacter chinensis
167 37190 37435 + NZ_CP035935.1 Acinetobacter cumulans
168 10515 10760 + NZ_CP029737.1 Providencia rettgeri
169 110365 110610 + NZ_CP048797.1 Providencia vermicola
170 2531731 2531976 - NZ_CP029397.2 Acinetobacter defluvii
171 1005370 1005624 + NZ_CP011071.1 Muricauda lutaonensis
172 3036501 3036767 + NZ_LT907975.1 Pseudodesulfovibrio profundus
173 206325 206582 + NZ_CP024955.1 Kyrpidia spormannii
174 210618 210875 + NC_014098.1 Kyrpidia tusciae DSM 2912
175 574741 574983 + NZ_CP009976.1 Cellulophaga baltica 18
176 1348689 1348964 + NC_014655.1 Leadbetterella byssophila DSM 17132
177 1711754 1712029 - NZ_CP017479.1 Flavobacterium gilvum
178 5013513 5013767 - NZ_CP034346.1 Paenibacillus lutimineralis
179 1024419 1024661 + NC_014934.1 Cellulophaga algicola DSM 14237
180 1079205 1079492 - NZ_CP060820.1 Lysobacter solisilvae (ex Woo and Kim 2020)
181 642704 642985 + NZ_CP007035.1 Niabella soli DSM 19437
182 1915823 1916083 + NZ_CP035467.1 Methylotuvimicrobium buryatense
183 1251913 1252191 - NC_013222.1 Robiginitalea biformata HTCC2501
184 2877086 2877328 - NC_016147.2 Pseudoxanthomonas spadix BD-a59
185 1447779 1448039 + NC_016112.1 Methylotuvimicrobium alcaliphilum 20Z
186 3289788 3290036 - NZ_CP007029.1 Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ARh 1
187 21235 21489 - NZ_CP043611.1 Paenibacillus antarcticus
188 1443926 1444186 - NZ_CP015444.1 Lactobacillus helveticus
189 2404403 2404657 - NZ_CP035492.1 Paenibacillus protaetiae
190 1413069 1413311 - NZ_CP060711.1 Thermomonas brevis
191 511370 511645 - NZ_CP045696.1 Sodaliphilus pleomorphus
192 821999 822283 + NC_018068.1 Desulfosporosinus acidiphilus SJ4
193 672332 672616 + NC_016584.1 Desulfosporosinus orientis DSM 765
194 1335358 1335642 + NC_018017.1 Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans ATCC 51507
195 1512257 1512541 + NC_011830.1 Desulfitobacterium hafniense DCB-2
196 1157079 1157336 + NZ_CP046037.1 Latilactobacillus sakei
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_007798.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF00118.26 0.99 189 56.0 same-strand TCP-1/cpn60 chaperonin family
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