Result : A1WX38
Protein Information
Information Type Description
Protein name Protein RnfH
NCBI Accession ID CP000544.1
Organism Halorhodospira halophila (strain DSM 244 / SL1) (Ectothiorhodospira halophila (strain DSM 244 / SL1))
Left 1604019
Right 1604312
Strand -
Source of smORF Swiss-Prot
Function The ORF matches to the profile of cl28922. Profile Description: Beta-grasp ubiquitin-like fold. This domain is the binding/interacting region of several protein kinases, such as the Schizosaccharomyces pombe Byr2. Byr2 is a Ser/Thr-specific protein kinase acting as mediator of signals for sexual differentiation in S. pombe by initiating a MAPK module, which is a highly conserved element in eukaryotes. Byr2 is activated by interacting with Ras, which then translocates the molecule to the plasma membrane. Ras proteins are key elements in intracellular signaling and are involved in a variety of vital processes such as DNA transcription, growth control, and differentiation. They function like molecular switches cycling between GTP-bound 'on' and GDP-bound 'off' states.
Pubmed ID
Domain CDD:421700
Functional Category Others
Uniprot ID A1WX38
ORF Length (Amino Acid) 97
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Conservation Analysis
Conservation Analysis
No. of Species: 73
Sr.No. Left Position Right Position Strand NCBI Accession id Species Name
1 1604019 1604312 - NC_008789.1 Halorhodospira halophila SL1
2 772494 772736 - NZ_AP017372.2 Halorhodospira halochloris
3 1048001 1048282 + NZ_AP018150.1 Mycoavidus cysteinexigens
4 2591894 2592151 - NZ_CP011568.3 Pandoraea thiooxydans
5 1741481 1741750 + NZ_CP022579.1 Oryzomicrobium terrae
6 571541 571837 + NZ_CP012418.1 Kangiella sediminilitoris
7 1410166 1410480 + NC_014722.1 Mycetohabitans rhizoxinica HKI 454
8 2091596 2091889 - NZ_LR778301.1 Denitratisoma oestradiolicum
9 828437 828715 + NZ_CP017561.1 Paraburkholderia sprentiae WSM5005
10 2839683 2840003 + NZ_CP022989.1 Paraburkholderia aromaticivorans
11 936331 936567 - NC_021291.1 Spiribacter salinus M19-40
12 2465019 2465276 - NZ_CP040449.1 Aeromonas simiae
13 1204432 1204725 + NZ_CP017415.1 Acidihalobacter yilgarnenesis
14 2507726 2507989 + NZ_CP023706.1 Edwardsiella tarda
15 1451977 1452240 + NZ_CP046913.1 Paraburkholderia acidisoli
16 3024050 3024370 - NC_007951.1 Paraburkholderia xenovorans LB400
17 1678705 1678971 - NZ_AP012273.1 Thiolapillus brandeum
18 1503864 1504136 - NZ_CP041335.1 Chitinolyticbacter meiyuanensis
19 810777 811040 + NZ_CP016043.1 Edwardsiella hoshinae
20 2013827 2014147 - NZ_AP012547.1 Sulfuritalea hydrogenivorans sk43H
21 459844 460164 - NZ_CP031467.1 Paraburkholderia caffeinilytica
22 2330148 2330480 - NZ_CP024941.1 Paraburkholderia terricola
23 2960970 2961230 - NC_012779.2 Edwardsiella ictaluri 93-146
24 1081620 1081856 + NZ_AP023184.1 Buttiauxella agrestis
25 2743461 2743724 - NC_010681.1 Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN
26 319406 319654 + NZ_CP058952.1 Chitinibacter fontanus
27 4238227 4238481 - NZ_CP059467.1 Aromatoleum bremense
28 664964 665227 + NZ_CP066075.1 Paraburkholderia ginsengisoli
29 863180 863440 - NZ_CP006664.1 Edwardsiella anguillarum ET080813
30 2270358 2270627 - NZ_CP029822.1 Entomomonas moraniae
31 2710632 2710898 - NC_013716.1 Citrobacter rodentium ICC168
32 1107245 1107574 + NZ_AP018724.1 Sulfurivermis fontis
33 2482152 2482394 - NC_012691.1 Tolumonas auensis DSM 9187
34 2847341 2847691 - NZ_CP007029.1 Thioalkalivibrio paradoxus ARh 1
35 942522 942851 + NZ_CP010554.1 Rugosibacter aromaticivorans
36 3268142 3268399 - NC_019902.2 Thioalkalivibrio nitratireducens DSM 14787
37 3542619 3542870 - NZ_CP046293.1 Yersinia intermedia
38 1042718 1043038 + NC_011901.1 Thioalkalivibrio sulfidiphilus HL-EbGr7
39 1542723 1542983 + NC_006513.1 Aromatoleum aromaticum EbN1
40 3940650 3940904 - NC_006513.1 Aromatoleum aromaticum EbN1
41 3804974 3805225 + NZ_CP009781.1 Yersinia aldovae 670-83
42 648577 648837 - NC_015572.1 Methylomonas methanica MC09
43 1876803 1877072 + NZ_AP017928.1 Methylocaldum marinum
44 700357 700623 + NZ_LR699114.1 Aquicella lusitana
45 1352720 1352992 + NZ_CP064781.1 Azospira restricta
46 4552782 4553066 + NZ_CP059560.1 Aromatoleum petrolei
47 2080519 2080794 + NZ_CP039268.1 Thermochromatium tepidum ATCC 43061
48 1674746 1675012 + NZ_CP029331.1 Thauera hydrothermalis
49 2808846 2809124 + NC_002977.6 Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
50 1710045 1710308 - NZ_CP009787.1 Yersinia rohdei
51 2174063 2174299 - NC_008340.1 Alkalilimnicola ehrlichii MLHE-1
52 1123040 1123324 + NZ_CP011118.1 Yersinia enterocolitica
53 3521827 3522069 - NZ_CP042220.2 Dickeya poaceiphila
54 905001 905267 + NZ_CP023525.1 Cedecea neteri
55 3062377 3062661 + NZ_CP007230.1 Yersinia similis
56 3489903 3490187 - NZ_CP032487.1 Yersinia hibernica
57 1154983 1155267 + NZ_CP043727.1 Yersinia canariae
58 1749075 1749353 - NZ_CP017707.1 Chromobacterium vaccinii
59 1783135 1783455 + NZ_CP064338.1 Schlegelella thermodepolymerans
60 1328844 1329146 - NZ_CP028339.1 Thauera aromatica K172
61 3757703 3757942 - NC_005085.1 Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472
62 1194703 1194972 + NC_017554.1 Pantoea ananatis PA13
63 2610638 2610922 - NZ_CP029185.2 Limnobaculum parvum
64 3037563 3037844 + NC_013851.1 Allochromatium vinosum DSM 180
65 4563971 4564234 - NZ_CP054043.1 Yersinia mollaretii ATCC 43969
66 1849930 1850196 - NC_006526.2 Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis ZM4 = ATCC 31821
67 882369 882611 + NZ_CP031560.1 Dickeya dianthicola
68 1106118 1106378 + NZ_LR134531.1 Pragia fontium
69 2509266 2509508 - NZ_AP014936.1 Sulfurifustis variabilis
70 2721872 2722204 - NZ_CP013189.1 Pseudohongiella spirulinae
71 2950187 2950471 + NZ_CP043929.1 Methylomonas rhizoryzae
72 1432808 1433053 + NC_017033.1 Frateuria aurantia DSM 6220
73 1388585 1388830 - NC_007614.1 Nitrosospira multiformis ATCC 25196
74 1745885 1746175 + NC_008825.1 Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1
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Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
* Arrows marked in Genome Diagram shows ORFs; Multiple PFAMs can be mapped to a single ORF.
* 'Small ORF' represents the entry/query analyzed.
* Image generated using 'gggenes'(R-Package).
Neighborhood Conservation Analysis
Neighborhood Representative Chosen(Species): NC_008789.1
Sr.No. Domain Co-occurrence Frequency No. of species in which domain occurs with smORF Median distance b/w smORF and domain bearing ORFs Orientation relative to smORF PFAM Information
1 PF03364.22 0.88 64 20.0 same-strand Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport
2 PF10604.11 0.86 63 20.0 same-strand Polyketide cyclase / dehydrase and lipid transport
3 PF01668.20 0.86 63 610 opposite-strand SmpB protein
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